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There was once a merchant who kept a donkey.One day the merchant heard that salt was being sold 1 at the seaside."I can get a fine price for that in the villages in the mountains."He thought and then he set off with his 2 to buy some.The merchant bought a good supply and loaded it on the donkey's back.They came to a narrow pass with a deep stream.The merchant was leading the donkey carefully when 3 the donkey slipped into the stream.As the donkey 4 to swim,the water melted the salt he was carrying,leaving only the empty bags.With no 5 to pull him down to donkey easily reached the bank.
Soon afterwards the merchant decided to buy another load of 6.Once more he took his donkey to the 7.loaded him up and set off.When they came to the narrow pass the donkey remembered hiw easily he had 8 his heavy load.This tmie he slipped into the stream on purpose and stayed there until the salt 9.
The merchang was very 10.He thought of a way to play a trick on the donkey in returm.The next time he went to the seaside he 11 a great load of sponges,The donkey set off happily.Before long they came to the narrow pass.Once more the donkey rolled himself into the water,waiting for the load to melt away.However,the songes got 12 .Then he felt himself 13 lower and lower and he yelled,"Help!"
The merchant pulled him out of the water,And he led the 14 donkey on up the mountainside."Now i have doubled the load T 15 with,"thought the donkey sadly as he walked along the village.
1" A cheaply B poorly C privately D directly
2" A donkey B horse C son D friend
3" A frequently B finally C suddenly D generally
4" A promised B refused C struggled D learned
5" A water B weight C pain D fear
6" A salt B sugar C rice D bread
7" A seaside B stream C pass D bank
8" A transported B transformed C got D lost
9" A broke B disappeared C fell D dropped
10" A luckly B curious C worried D angry
11" A bought B borrowed C sold D returned
12" A cooler B softer C heavier D bigger
13" A moving B running C sinking D hiding
14" A proud B clever C fat D wet
15" A met B dealt C agreed D started
还有个要求 用大约40个单词概括


AACCB AADBD ACCDDA donkey carrying salt slipped into water and happend to decrease the load.He was happy and when he carried songes,he played the trick again.But this time the load became heavier and ...
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