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One day,a long time ago,a young man went to visit the oldest and wisest man in the village.He asked for some advice on 41 he could become rich.
“ 42 is yours to be had at the top of the faraway mountain,” 43 the old man.“You must travel on foot to the 44 of the mountain.There you will find riches.”
On hearing that,the young man was very 45 and the next day when he arrived at the old man’s home for final 46 ,the young man saw a long,47 log(原木)lying on the ground in front of the house.
The 48 old man looked at the young man and said,“The log is a necessary part of the 49 .You must take it with you to the top of the mountain to claim(索取)your fortune.”
The young man was not pleased with this sudden 50 ,but he respected the wise old man.51 he was walking with the log for a long time,a woodsman came up to him and said,“It looks like that log is pretty heavy.Would you like me to 52 some of it off to make it lighter.”
After the long time walk,the young man was


41-45ADCDC 46-50AB(C我不确定,不过个人觉得B好些)DCB
51-55DDCAB 56-60CDABC
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