

How to assert yourself?How to listen?How to resolve conflict?Components of assertiveness:61 Preparing with self reflection 61 Conducting a honest self assessment 61 Assessing your outerworld 61 Learn to respond to assertiveness 61 Take the road test Ways to assert yourself 61 Always start and end conversations with a positive note 61 Observe for the person’s response 61 Learn to deal with denial without being aggressive 61 Practice skills till you get perfect Establishing rapport 61 Always smile 61 Speak up your mind 61 Be specific when asserting your ideas 61 Don’t brag about your accomplishments Assertive curiosity Express genuine interest in others- there’s no better way to make them interested in you Understanding 61 Be humble 61 Listen attentively 61 Show gratitude 61 Be considerate Always follow etiquettes Persuasion:a logical step by step progression:Confidence -> Influence -> Leadership 61 Build trust and find a common ground 61 Show both sides 61 Appeal to self interest 61 Create consensus 61 Be humble,reasonable,and diplomatic 61 Time your request Body language 61 Turn offs o Avoid eye contact o Poor posture o Fidgeting or rigidity o Unconvincing gestures 61 Turn ons o Maintain eye contact o Maintain an upright confident postures o Avoid distractions while conversing with someone The Skill of Questioning It helps:61 To learn 61 To build relations 61 Managing 61 Avoiding misunderstandings 61 Calming conflicts 61 Persuading people Assertive speaking 61 Speak with a purpose 61 A person who starts out going nowhere usually ends there 5 conversation tools 61 Stick to the facts 61 Share the feelings that are elicited in you 61 Share what you are expressing 61 Define what you want 61 Include a benefit oriented conclusion Assertive listening:Listen more,talk less.61 Never be judgmental 61 Provide constructive feedback 61 Avoid mind reading 61 Sincerity is the key Assertive ambition:61 Always have an aim in life and work towards it 61 Remember “Failure is the stepping stone to success” Relevance to life:People will trust you only if you are confident.Gaining trust is half work done.61 Develop rapport,be their friend,understand their needs,listen to them patiently,ask questions without being nosy 61 Be confident,and gain trust.Give them the final say.61 Never be dejected by failure,find out what went wrong,and improvise with each day.Learn to deal with conflicts with other professionals (coworkers) amicably.Keep interest of the people you are serving in mind before your self ego.Have regular meetings with other coworkers/professionals to discuss problems.Always have a set agenda for the meeting so that the meeting is fruitful.
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