当前位置: > 求批改托福作文 It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for ......
求批改托福作文 It is more important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for ...
It is difficult to qualify whether to understand ideas and concepts or to learn facts is more significance than one another.In my perspective,a balanced absorbance of concepts and facts provide a most efficient methods and most objectively understanding.In other words,each of them precedes another,which is unable to stand out individually,on the purpose of enriching knowledge and acquiring truth for students.
Learning facts promotes the understanding of ideas and concepts in various ankles.Constantly,ideas and concepts are expressed in an abstract way,which is opposite to facts that are specific and comfortable to comprehend.In order to demonstrate an unfamiliar idea as a student,facts reveals its importance on the mode of thinking,which in most cases offers the advantages of visualized pieces for brain to link complex concepts to ubiquitous daily facts.Throughout the studying of Europ


太厉害了,一个单词错误都没有!文章结构紧凑,长句写的好,达到长短句分配也合理,句式表达多样,已经是高分作文了,非得要挑骨头的话,不一定对啊,仅供交流.1、it is difficult to qualify whether to understand ideas an...
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