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Bicycles are a great way to get around. They’re fun to ride, especially down hills. And, as you speed along the road, you might also think of ways in which you could improve your bike— make it safer, more efficient, or more comfortable. In fact, the two-wheeled machines make for some cool science projects.
This year"s Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), held last May in Cleveland, featured(had)three bicycle projects from three countries. Like many of the other experiments presented at ISEF, the bike projects showed that some of the most interesting scientific research often begins by taking a closer look at things you care about.
Renato Angulo Chu had even grander ambitions. The 12th-grader from Lima, Peru, wanted to address some of his country"s economic troubles.
"I see a problem in my country," Renato said. "If you go to the forests in Peru, in some places you cannot find electricity. If you go with my bicycle, you can turn on the lights."
Renato, 16, spent 3 years designing his special Multibike. The device looks like a fixed exercise bike. It has wires fixed along the frame and a blender strapped(fastened) to the back. Turning the pedals operates the blender. The same principle can be used to sharpen knives or sweep city streets.
The Multibike can work either as a fixed bike or as a bicycle able to travel city streets and country roads. It"s made from inexpensive materials, and the user gets exercise while pedaling to operate a machine.
"You pedal the bike, and you can mix any drink you want," Renato said. More importantly, he added, the same concept could be used to bring light to houses in remote regions of the rainforest.
19. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A. Bicycles are the best way to go about
B. Bikes should be made more comfortable to ride.
C. You can improve your bicycle for science research.
D. Many inventions are connected with the bicycle.
20. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. ISEF is an exhibiton displaying bicycle experiments designed by students.
B. Looking closely at things you are concerned about can lead to scientific research.
C. Renato’s improvement of the bicycle has solved the country’s great problem.
D. Renato’s special bicycle will soon be put into use in remote areas.’
21. The underlined word “address” in the third paragraph probably has the same meaning as _______.
A. make address written        B. give up             C. work at             D. speak at
22. Renato’s special Multibike has all the following EXCEPT  ________.
A. making knives sharp                                     B. mixing any kind of drinks
C. producing electricity                                     D. operating a machine with its own electricity
23. It can be inferred that Renato’s special bicycle is mainly designed for ________.
A. distant areas in the rainforest without electricity.
B. the use of his own family to make life easier.
C. the competition of ISEF to win money to support remote rainforests
D. enough exercise by pedaling it

19---23   CBCDA  

19.C 细节理解题。改进自行车也可以成为科学项目。由第一段“In fact, the two-wheeled machines make for….”得出答案。
20.B 判断归纳题。仔细观察你所关心的东西能够导致科学研究。由第二段“the bike projects showed that some of the most interesting scientific research often…..”得出答案。
21.C 词义猜测题。从词语的上下文来看,address在此处的意思是“从事于”,即解决一个问题。由三四段得出。
24.D 判断归纳题。这种独特的自行车可以磨刀、发电、搅拌饮料;文中没有提到用自发的点驱动电机。由倒数二、三段得出答案。
23.A 推理判断题。这辆特殊自行车的主要目的是能在偏远雨林地区发电用。由三、四段和最后一段“More importantly, he added, the same concept could be used….”得出答案。
试题【 Bicycles are a great way to get around. They’re fun to ride, especially down hi】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

  If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they become weak. When you 1using them again, they 2become strong again. Everybody knows this and nobody would think of 3 this fact. 4 there are many people who do not 5 to know that memory works in the 6 way.
  7someone says that he has a good memory; he8 means that he 9 his memory by practising exercising it. When someone 10 says that his memory is poor, he actually means that he 11 give it enough chances to become 12 .Have you ever 13 that people who cannot read or write usually have 14 memories than those who can? This is 15 those who 16 read or write 17 remember things. They have to remember dates, places, names, songs and stories. So their memory is the whole time 18 .So 19 you want to have a good memory, you should learn from those people, 20 by remembering what you see, hear, feel and write. If so, you must have a good memory.
  1. A. begin       B. go on     C. stop        D. continue
  2. A. quickly     B. slowly     C. soon       D. at once
  3. A. doing      B. agreeing    C. questioning  D. answering
  4. A. Yet        B. Still       C. So         D. Certainly
  5. A. want       B. seem      C. get         D. hope
  6. A. other       B. usual      C. same        D. opposite
  7. A. As         B. What      C. While       D. When
  8. A. real        B. actually    C. true        D. then
  9. A. wants      B. builds up    C. makes      D. keeps
  10.A.again      B. else         C. more       D. once
  11.A.do not     B. is not        C. never       D. does not
  12.A.poor       B. weak        C. strong      D. healthy
  13.A.seen       B. heard of      C. noticed     D. thought of
  14.A.worse      B. better       C. more        D. less
  15.A.why        B. how       C. because      D. the reason
  16.A.used to     B. cannot      C. try to        D. have to
  17.A.will not     B. have to      C. refuse      D. cannot
  18.A.ready       B. being used   C. busy       D. training
  19.A.if          B. that        C. though      D. thus
20.A.please      B. try          C. train       D. enjoy
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Today’s generation of young people is the largest in human history. Nearly half the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — are under the age of 25. More than half the world’s young people — about 850 million between the ages of 10 and 24 — live in Asia and the Pacific region.
This rapidly expanding youth population is increasingly vulnerable to HIV.  Young people are at the center of the HIV/AIDS epidemic . Of the 10 million young people living with HIV worldwide, 21% live in Asia and the Pacific region. When surveying of all new HIV/AIDS cases globally, nearly a quarter of all people living with HIV/AIDS are under the age of 25. An estimated 6,000 young people are infected every day — one every 14 minutes. The majority are women and girls. In South Asia, where over 1 million young people between the ages of 15 to 24 are infected with HIV, more than half (62%) are young women.
Young people are key to defeating the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Yet in most countries, they lack the information, education and services that will enable them to make informed and healthy choices about their health, and the needs of youths are often ignored. UNESCO, in collaboration with other UN agencies, governments, NGOs and community-based organizations, makes efforts to ensure the health needs of youths, including HIV prevention education, programs and policies implemented throughout Asia and the Pacific region.
59. How many young people with HIV live in Asia and the Pacific area?
A. 3 billion               B. 850 million        C. 100 million           D. 2.1 million
60. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. It’s young people themselves that can defeat HIV.
B. Most cases infected with HIV are young people.
C. Most young people who are infected with HIV are women.
D. Half of the world population is infected with HIV.
61. From the passage we can conclude that ________.
A. more and more young people will be infected with HIV
B. it’s because of not being informed that young people are easy to be infected
C. people in Asia and the Pacific region are easy to be infected
D. there is no policy for teenagers’ prevention of HIV
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Word came that the government must control the spread of this disease.
“Our job,”said the 26 officer,“is to spray the wall of every house in every town and village in the malariaparts of Mexico.You may be 27 to learn that there are about ninety-nine thousand 28 villages and towns.Some are big places like the capital city, 29 are single houses deep in the forest or upon the mountaintops.The men working with our program say that most of these people 30 within districts which are 31 enough for the mala ria-carrying mosquitoesto live in and spread the disease.That 32 that we must plan to spray the bricks of 33 three million houses once or twice a year for five years.”
“We have 34 everything very carefully,”said the officer 35 .“Our advance guards have drawn 36 of some forty thousand parts of the country for 37 by the spray teams.Each house in the malaria districts has been given a special 38 so that we can work in order.The United States has given us cars and trucks to carry the spray teams and their 39 .”
“The malaria program has been 40 with the people in this country.Everyone wants to 41 .The Defense Department is helping us plan the 42 of men and supplies.The Education Department has printed sheets in Spanish to explain 43 malaria is spread.Resistance is a problem.It was in the neighboring country—the United States that such resistance to spray was first 44 .Take the 45 of the housefly and D.D.T. At fist D.D.T. killed them off.Now it won’t hurt a fly.”
“What worries people is the danger that the mosquitoes may become resistant,”said the officer at last.
26.A.education              B.wealth                       C.health                       D.medicine
27.A.surprised                     B.excited                      C.doubtful                    D.happy
28.A.united                  B.developing                C.similar                      D.separate
29.A.other                    B.some                         C.the others                  D.the few
30.A.sleep                    B.live                           C.stand                         D.sit
31.A.cold                            B.hot                           C.bright                       D.warm
32.A.saves                    B.expresses                   C.means                       D.is
33.A.nearly                  B.mostly                      C.finally                       D.only
34.A.read                            B.learnt                        C.written                      D.studied
35.A.mentioned            B.remembered                     C.started                       D.continued
36.A.pictures                B.places                       C.maps                         D.bus-lines
37.A.store                    B.use                           C.share                         D.show
38.A.name                    B.sign                          C.number                            D.attention
39.A.tools                   B.clothes                      C.families                     D.guns
40.A.familiar                B.friendly                     C.strict                         D.popular
41.A.work                    B.run                           C.stop                          D.help
42.A.movement            B.program                    C.action                       D.equipment
43.A.why                            B.how                          C.what                         D.that
44.A.proved                 B.killed                        C.thought                            D.discussed
45.A.event                    B.matter                       C.fact                           D.case
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“I Love You”Virus
On May 21,1999,some American scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed.Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright red spots crossing the computers’screens.At the same time the computers were working much slower.To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers.To their horror,they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer virus! Obviously all these computers had been infected by computer virus.
It is said that the computer virus was made by two or three Philippine young men fond of playing tricks.They all had excellent education.They created the virus just to show their intelligence.The kind of computer virus is named“I Love You”Virus.This virus can hide in computers for long.When the time comes it will attack the computers by lowering the important functions,damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of a great deal of information which operators of the computers often use or store;even worse,it still can reproduce itself in great quantities within a short time.
We come to know that “I Love You”Virus often attacks computers on Mondays and that it is spreading to many computers in the world.Among the countries that suffered computer viruses last year are Britain,Australia,Switzerland and the US.Those who made the computer viruses have been found out slowly and carefully.But till now,how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem.
61.In 1999,the virus made American scientists’information______.
A.all lost            B.partly lost                  C.none lost        D.mostly lost
62.The most terrible character“I Love You”Virus is______.
A.it can hide in computers for long
B.it can damage computer’s normal programs
C.it can get rid of all the information that the operator stores
D.it can reproduce itself in great quantities in a short time
63.All the following countries have been attacked by“I Love You”Virus EXCEPT______.
A.Britain            B.Australia                   C.Switzerland     D.Japan
64.According to the passage,which is NOT true about“I Love You”Virus?
A.Have found who made it                      B.Have found the solution to it
C.Have been attacked by it                      D.Have no effective method to it
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There is an English saying: “laughter is best medicine.” Until recently, few people took the saying seriously. Now however, doctors have begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the human body. They have found that laughter really can improve people’s health.
Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body. People watched funny films while doctors checked their hearts, blood pressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter had similar effects to physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart beating and breathing; it also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomach, and even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be beneficial.
Other tests have shown that laughter appears to be able to reduce the effect of pain on the body. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups of students who listened to different radio programmer. The group that tolerated the pain for the longest time was the groups which listened to a funny programmer. The reason why laughter can reduce pain seems to be that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which diminish both stress and pain.  
As a result of these discoveries, some doctors in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they help to improve their patients’ condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.
60.Doctors have proved the following EXCEPT that      .
A. smiling does good to health                  B. laughter can be tolerated
C. there is a way to reduce pain                      D. laughter can work the muscles in the feet
61. The main idea of the passage is       .
A. laughter and physical exercise have similar effects on the human body
B. smile can produce the same effects as laughter
C. pain can be reduced by laughter  
D. laughter is the best medicine
62.The underlined word “diminish” is similar to       .
A. test             B. stop                     C. reduce                  D. increase
63. Doctors hold laughter clinics _________.
A. to give better condition to their patients
B. in order to improve patients’ health
C. to make patients smile   
D. to prove smile and laughter have the same effect
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