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Just recently I was invited to attend a ceremony to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a business owned by a very good friend of mine.
The day of the  1 arrived. However, because of a business appointment  2 time, I knew that I was going to be late,  3  I phoned to let my friend know. I arrived 20 minutes  4  and my friend came out to welcome and  5  me. He said he was  6  to see me and had put off the  7  part of the celebration, knowing that I was on my  8 .
As I joined the other guests, I could  9  a wonderful sense of friendship, warmth and happiness in the room.  10 , I had very little time to speak to more than a couple of people  11  the official part of the celebration  12.
In his  13 , my friend welcomed all the guests on behalf of his family and team members, and then  14  the majority of the people who were gathered in the room for their support and friendship over the  15  25 years. In his thank-you speech, he used a quote: Always  16  with the person you took to the dance.
He then went on to talk about the importance of  17  loyal to those people who had supported him. He also  18  that during that time many people had offered their services and even sometimes provided a  19  arrangement for his business.
What a great  20  it was for me to continue to go to the dance with such a good friend!
A.running overB.taking onC.making upD.standing for
A.help B.praiseC.respectD.greet
A.Luckily B.HappilyC.Angrily D.Sadly
A.before B.afterC.whenD.why
A.self introductionB.explanationC.speechD.comment
A.thankedB.blamedC.encouraged D.criticized
A.workB.liveC.dance D.sing
A.remaining B.falling C.growing D.turning
A.guessed B.mentionedC.thought D.supposed
A.biggerB.harderC.worse D.better
A.prideB.ideaC.honor D.comfort



小题1:A. meeting  会议       B. discussion讨论 C. celebration庆典      D. activity活动  根据前文:庆典的日子到了。故选C
小题2:A. running over超过  B. taking on承担  C. making up      装配       D. standing for代表 根据句意:一个商业会议超过了时间。故选A
小题3:前后句子表因果,所以填so 故选B
小题4:A. behind落后于              B. ahead提前    C. late迟的    D. afterwards后来 根据句意:作者迟到了20分钟。故选C
小题5:A. help帮助         B. praise赞美  C. respect尊敬     D. greet欢迎 根据句意:作者的朋友出来欢迎他。故选D
小题6:A. surprised感到惊讶的    B. pleased高兴的     C. interested感兴趣的          D. disappointed失望的  根据句意:他说看到我很高兴。故选B
小题7:A. official正式的    B. normal      正常的   C. usual 通常的     D. ordinary普通的 根据句意:他已经推迟了庆典的正式的部分。故选A
小题8:根据句意:当他知道作者正在来的路上的时候。On one’s way在路上 故选C
小题9:A. learn      学习    B. find找到     C. feel感到       D. touch触摸 根据句意:当作者融入了其他客人的时候,他在房间里感到了一种奇妙的友谊,温暖和幸福。故选C
小题10:A. Luckily幸运地是  B. Happily幸福滴       C. Angrily 生气地  D. Sadly悲伤地 根据句意:不过,悲伤地是,作者几乎没有时间和几个人讲话。故选D
小题11:A. before在之前      B. after在之后       C. when当…的时候    D. why为什么  根据句意:在庆典开始之前。故选A
小题12:A. ended结束    B. started开始  C. continued继续 D. paused停顿 根据句意:正式的庆典开始之前。故选B
小题13:A. self introduction自我介绍B. explanation说明C. speech演讲     D. comment评论 根据句意:在他的演讲中,作者的朋友代表他的家人和团队感谢所有的来宾。故选C
小题14:A. thanked 感谢         B. blamed谴责 C. encouraged鼓励  D. criticized批评 根据句意:然后感谢在座的大多数人们对他们的支持。故选A
小题15:A. first第一     B. next 下一个    C. other其他的 D. last持续 根据句意:对他们持续了25多年的支持和友谊。故选D
小题16:A. work工作      B. live生活      C. dance跳舞       D. sing唱歌 根据句意:总是与你的舞伴跳舞。故选C
小题17:A. remaining剩下的  B. falling 下降的       C. growing 成长的   D. turning转向 根据句意:他接下来谈论了剩下的忠诚于他的人的重要性。故选A
小题18:A. guessed 猜想      B. mentioned      提及   C. thought 思想       D. supposed假定  根据句意:他也提到了在那段时间许多人对他提供的服务。故选B
小题19:A. bigger 更大  B. harder更难的    C. worse更坏的 D. better更好的 根据句意:甚至有时候对他的商业提供更好的安排。故选D
小题20:A. pride自豪       B. idea想法       C. honor荣幸   D. comfort安慰 根据句意:对他来说继续和这样一个好朋友跳舞是多么的荣幸啊!故选C
试题【Just recently I was invited to attend a ceremony to celebrate the 25th anniversa】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Along the seashore(海边),the tall coconut(椰子)trees waved in he wind. The sand was white in the bright sun, and the ocean was dark blue. The houses in the town near the shore, were painted white. The boats had been pulled up on the shore. Usually they would all be in the water with hard-working fishermen. But today was a holiday, and everyone was  preparing for the celebration that was going to take place that evening.
In the distance, men could be seen climbing the coconut trees. They were singing as they worked. There were monkeys in the trees, too. The monkeys were jumping up and down and screaming angrily.The climbers just laughed at the monkeys and continued to pick the fruits.
小题1:What is this passage about?
A.It tells us a story of the monkeys.
B.It describes the scene on the seashore.
C.It talks about the life of the fishermen.
D.It is about how the people celebrated a holiday.
小题2:The boats had been pulled up on the shore because_________.
A.it was a holiday
B.the weather was too hot
C.there was going to be a storm
D.it was not the season for fishing
小题3:The men climbed the coconut trees to_________.
A.pick the coconuts
B.catch the monkeys
C.look at the ocean far away
D.see who could climb high and fast
小题4:The word "screaming" in Paragraph Two probably means _______.
A.singing and working
B.jumping up and down
C.running here and there
D.shouting in a high voice
小题5:The monkeys were angry because________.
A.the men were trying to catch them
B.the men wanted to drive them away
C.the men got the coconuts , which were their food
D.the men climbed higher and faster than they did

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Rather than talk about how he feels, often a man would express his love by buying the woman cosmetics (化妆品), or bringing home a flower, or giving up the control of the remote (遥控器).
And when men do talk, they’d prefer to talk about actions rather than emotions. For example, a lot of men would choose to express their long-range faith in a relationship by talking about next summer’s vacation plans, not by starting a conversation about undying love.
Men just prefer to say their plans with plane tickets, rather than poetry. It’s one of the reasons why men are more comfortable talking at work (the practical world) than they are at home (the castle that emotion built). But you can bring out his great communicator by making him feel more like he’s operating in the work mode, even when the topic at hand is your love life.
When men talk less and women want more, the conflict can escalate. Like when a policeman is questioning an unwilling witness, more silence equals more questions. A full 65 percent of men we surveyed recently told us that they don’t want their partners to ask them more questions about themselves.
It’s clear that some men are just tired of feeling like they’re on the witness stand. They’re not necessarily hiding anything; many men simply prefer not to have to tell confusing feelings that they may not even understand themselves.
An age-old method can make things better: back off a little, give him room to operate in a conversation, and he’s more likely to open up.
小题1:According to the author, men feel more comfortable when talking        .
C.long-term friendshipD.conversations
小题2:How can women communicate more successfully with men?
A.They may give men a surprise by buying plane tickets.
B.They can ask men if they have a great time during working.
C.They might create a warm home environment first of all.
D.They can give men the feeling that they are talking at work.
小题3:The underlined word “escalate” has the similar meaning to       .
小题4:From the text it can be inferred that       .
A.women are better at writing poems about emotions than men
B.it is natural for women to be fond of finding the faults of men
C.men are more interested in learning more about their partners
D.men prefer to pour out their hearts in a forgiving environment

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Scientists find that hard-working people live longer than average men and women. Career women are__1___ than housewives.Evidence shows that __2_  are in poorer health than the job-holders.A study shows that _3___ the unemployment rate increases by 1%,the death rate in-creases correspondingly by 2%.All this comes down to one point:Work is helpful to health.
Why is work good for health? It is because work ___4_   people busy,  _5__ loneliness and  solitude . Researches show that people feel unhappy,_6__ and lonely when they have nothing to do.Instead,the happiest are those who are  _7___.Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard . Work serves as __8___  between man and reality.By work,people_9__  each other.By collective activity,they find friendship and warmth.This is helpful to health.The loss of work __10__  the loss of everything.It affects man spiritually and __11_   him liable to disease.
__12__  ,work gives one a sense of fulfillment and a sense of _13__  .Work makes one feel his value and status in society.When __14__ finishes his writing or a doctor successfully __15__   a patient or a teacher sees his students __16_  ,they are happy ___17__ 
From the above we can _18__  to the conclusion that the more you work, _19___ and healthier you will be.Let us work hard,study well and __20__  a happy and healthy life.
A.the oldB.the busyC.the hard-workingD.the jobless
A.whether B.wheneverC.thoughD.since
A.away fromB.in lack ofC.in touch withD.in charge of
A.worried B.joyfulC.concernedD.interested
A.a bridgeB.a gapC.a channelD.a guard
A.come acrossB.look down uponC.come into contact withD.watch over
A.disappointment B.regretC.achievementD.apology
A.a workerB.a farmerC.a managerD.a writer
A.makes friends withB.has a talkC.deals with D.operates on
A.beyond words B.without a wordC.at a word D.in a word
A.reachB.comeC.arrive D.draw
A.the happierB.the weakerC.the strongerD.the lonelier

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For those who are tired of doing the laundry, Samsung has found an answer: a washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app (application).
Strange though it may seem — "my wife already does that" was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week — Samsung is just one of many appliance makers racing to install a large number of internet-connected features in machines in an effort to make them "smart".
Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted. This year, it"s Wi-Fi-enabled laundry machines and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad.
The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owner is at work or on the bus.
Samsung says it"s not just something new — the app connection actually has some practical uses.
"If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go." said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.
The company also says that with electricity rate (电价) varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money.
Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do — enable laziness. Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.
小题1: What can be inferred from the common response of the attendees at the CES?
A.The machine will be a big success.
B.their wives like doing the laundry.
C.The machine is unrelated to their life.
D.This kind of technology is familiar to them.
小题2:We can conclude from Samsung"s statements that ________.
A.the app connection makes life easier
B.it is better to dry clothes in the morning
C.smartphone can shorten the drying time
D.we should refresh clothes back at home
小题3:What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.The laundry should be frequently checked
B.Lazy people like using such machines
C.Good technologies also cause problems
D.Television may help do the laundry

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I got interested in the idea of standing desks about a year ago. The health advantages of standing instead of sitting for eight hours a day are clear, so when the company Ergotron invited me to review their WorkFit C-Mod Dual Desk, I jumped out of my chair---really.
After several hours putting the desk together, I finally got to try it out. The standing desk had a desktop that I could use for writing.
At first I absolutely loved it. Standing during the day instead of sitting was fantastic. Although I felt more tired after all that standing during the day, I knew the health benefits were worth the slight discomfort. However, after the initial novelty (新奇)of the desk wore off, I realized that I could not use it in the long term.
It was just not practical. While using the desk for a month , I could definitely foresee problems arising from using it full time.
I enjoy having a lot of things on my desk. The standing desk just did not have enough room for all of my things.
I can easily foresee awkward situations when I put that desk in an office space. When someone comes into your office, does your guest have to stand as well? If you office is big enough, maybe you have room for two chairs for you and a visitor, which is great. Yet for the ordinary worker in a small office, the standing desk creates a very awkward situation.
Additionally, the amount of money I would have to spend to replace my current workspace with a standing desk was another issue. The desks I have looked at were highly expensive.
Yes, spending the day standing can offset(抵消) many of the negative effects of too much sitting, but we humans are designed for movement. Through activity changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, you can easily increase the time you spend on your feet. Best of all, those options are completely free.
小题1:When the author was asked to try the standing desk out, he was ____.
小题2:When first using the standing desk, the author ___.
A.thought it was boringB.thought it was wonderful
C.felt less tired than usualD.felt quite uncomfortable
小题3:According to the author, a standing desk ____.
A.takes up too much spaceB.is suitable for long-term use
C.is cheaper than traditional desksD.is impractical though good for health
小题4:What does the author mainly tell us in the text?
A.How to use the standing desk.B.What he does during the workday.
C.His opinion on the standing desk.D.The advantage of the standing desk.

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