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The Home of My People

When Lewis and Clark stepped onto the Weippe Prairie in present-day Idaho in September 1805, they met the Nez Perce Indians. In the following years, the white explorers(探险者)began to fight with the Indians for their land. Some Nez Perce chiefs signed agreements with the U.S. government, selling part of their lands. But the government always broke those agreements and demanded more land.
Other chiefs refused to go along with the government’s plans. The most famous was Chief Joseph, whose people lived in the Wallowa Valley(present-day Oregon).
“In order to have all people understand how much land we owned,” he once explained, “my father planted poles around it and said: ‘Inside is the home of my people…It circled around the graves(坟墓)of our fathers, and we will never give up these graves to any man.’”
But in 1874, the U.S. government declared the valley open for white settlement and ordered the Nez Perce onto a reservation(保留地). Seeing that resistance was useless, Chief Joseph agreed to move.
Later fighting broke out between the Nez Perce and U.S. soldiers. Chief Joseph tried to lead his people to Canada, winning several battles against the soldiers during their flight. But finally, he was forced to give in.
56. Which historic site (on the map)lies in the south of today’s Nez Perce Reservation?
A. Buffalo Eddy.             B. Dug Bar.
C. Joseph Canyon Viewpoint.         D. Chief Looking Glass Camp.
57. What can we learn about the Nez Perce lands from the map?
A. They were in the state of Oregon.
B. They have become a historic site.
C. They have become much smaller.
D. They were limited to the Wallowa Valley.
58. From Paragraph 3, we know that the Indians wanted to ______.
A. show off their land      B. keep their land
C. turn their place into a graveyard      D. build their homes around the poles

56---58    DCB  

56.D点评:细节题。首先在地图中找到 Nez Perce Reservation参照,其次看选项:A. Buffalo Eddy位于 south west of NDR;B. Dug Bar同样位于 South west of NP.R;C. Joseph Canyon viewpoint位于 southwest to N.P.R;只有D. Chief Looking Glass Camp位于N.P.R的南部(south)。
57.C 点评:细节题,由地图标识可看出圈出的地盘New Perce Reservation today明显比粗线圈出的NewPerceReservationin1855小得多。所以选C。
58.B 点评:理解主旨,Nez Perce Reservation的领土受侵略日渐减少,Para.2讲到 Other chiefs refused to go along with the government’s plans.一些首领反对那些出卖领土的合约,并谈论到the most famous was Chief Joseph,第三段紧接着讲述的是这位著名首领采取的围护自己领土的措施,由此可见The Indians Wanted to keep their land。A. Show off their land炫耀他们的领土,不符主题。C、D都不符文章主旨。
试题【The Home of My People When Lewis and Clark stepped onto the Weippe Prairie in pr】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

If you walk slowly through downtown Helsinki(赫尔辛基)during the day, taking in the splendid 19th century buildings, white boats and noise of passing trams(有轨电车), you will start to understand why it is called a city of two colors: white and blue.
The sea is always present in Helsinki. When you take a walk over the great open space of the central square, you will hear seabirds screaming. When you take the tram, suddenly and unexpectedly, you are faced with a calm, shining blue sea. You may notice that people in Helsinki do not rush about as in other cities. Instead, they walk along the roads, politely letting other people by.
A usual way to see Helsinki for the first time is to start out by the boats. You will walk by the elderly women selling fish and vegetables in the market square and find yourself in front of a beautiful park. You may enjoy a pleasant walk in the park for a few hours and then take the tram. Trams are the perfect way to get around in Helsinki. Watching the old houses, parks, theatres, churches, shops, restaurants and people in the streets, you may have a slightly sad film feeling to it.
The pale summer nights are another wonder in the city. Following the waterfront(滨水区)of the city after sunset, you couldn’t help stopping and listening to the sweet silence, interrupted only by the screaming seabirds and leaving fishing boats.
However, in some way, Helsinki is also the most modern city in northern Europe. You will surely want to visit the white Glass Palace, the modern art museum, and all those extremely popular cafes and design stores.
68.Helsinki is called a city of two colors mainly because of the colors of its ________.
A.19th century buildings, boats and parks
B.19th century buildings, boats and seabirds
C.old houses, parks and trams
D.old buildings, boats and the sea
69.The best way to see most of Helsinki is to go ________.
A.by boat     B.by bus      C.by tram    D.on foot
70.The 19th century buildings, the White Glass Palace, popular cafes and design shops in Helsinki all show that Helsinki is _________.
A.both splendid and traditional   B.both quiet and noisy
C.both historical and modern     D.both old and new
71.This passage is most likely to be found in _________.
A.a story-book           B.a geography textbook
C.a research report             D.a travel magazine
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This Thursday, Irena Sendler will be honoured for her work as a smuggler(偷运者). During World WarⅡ, the Polish social worker smuggled nearly2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto(聚居区). She gave them new identities, found them safe places with good-hearted Christians, and kept the children’s real names buried in jars in her neighbours’ gardens.(The play, Life in a Jar, based on her story, is being performed.)At 93, Sendler lives in a Warsaw nursing home and is too weak to travel to Washington D.C., to receive the 2003 Jan Karski Award for Valorand Compassion from the American Center of Polish Culture. One of the children she saved will accept the award for her.
You risked your life to save the children.
I was taught by my father that when someone is drowning, you don’t ask if they can swim,you just jump in and help. During the war, everyone was drowning, but mostly the Jewish children.
How did you persuade parents to give up their children?
I had to answer honestly that I didn’t even know if we would get past the guards.
What was the most frightening moment?
When I saw a priest(牧师)in charge of an orphan age for Jewish children in the ghetto walk with them out to be killed. The children were in then best Sunday suits. The priest was killed with them.
How did you get the children to be have as you smuggled them out?
I told the older children to act as if they were sick and sometimes gave the younger ones a sleeping pill. They were told to remember their new names. I also told the children to tell guards they had only been visiting a servant in the ghetto and were going back to their real homes outside.
Did you tell your own two children what you did?
I never told them. Only when my daughter went to Israel did she learn all about me. I thought it was only normal to do so. And it was a very painful subject. It was always on my mind that I couldn’t do more.
——Samantha Levine
1. We can learn from the passage that Irena Sendler____.
A. will go to Washington to accept the award with her daughter
B. was caught a few times while she was rescuing the Jewish children
C. told those parents that their children’s lives would be guaranteed
D. saved thousands of Jewish children at the risk of her ownlife
2. The expression “everyone was drowning” can best be replaced by“______”.
A. everyone was involved in the war
B. all the people were drowned
C. people were facing danger and death
D. Jewish children were being killed
3. Which of the following could NOT be expected when Sendler was smuggling the Jewish children?
A. Some children were told to pretend to be sick in front of the guards.
B. Some children pretended to be returning home after visiting servants in the ghetto.
C. The children were asked to remember and use new names instead of real ones.
D. The children pretended to be brothers and sisters from one big family.
4. Sendler didn’t tell her own children what she did in the war because ______.
A. she thought it was the most frightening experience
B. the topic was too painful and heart-breaking to mention
C. it was already recorded and made known to the public
D. she planned to bury the secret in her heart until her death
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The space shuttle Columbia flared and broke up in the skies over Texas on Saturday, February 1,2003, killing the seven astronauts on board in what NASA and President Bush called a tragedy for the entire nation. NASA launched an investigation into the disaster and began searching for the astronauts" remains. It said that although there had been some data failures it was too early to nail down a precise cause. The break-up, 16 minutes before the shuttle was due to land at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, spread possibly toxic debris(有毒的残骸) over a wide swath of Texas and neighboring states.
Dramatic television images of the shuttle"s descent clearly showed several white trails(痕迹) streaking through blue skies after the shuttle suddenly fell apart. It was almost 17 years to the day that the Challenger shuttle exploded on Jan. 28, 1986, killing all seven astronauts on board.
Take-off and re-entry into Earth"s atmosphere are the most dangerous parts of a space mission. In 42 years of US" human space flight, there had never been an accident in the descent to Earth or landing. Challenger exploded just after take-off.
Rescue teams scrambled to search for the remains of the crew, which included the first Israeli to fly on the shuttle, former combat pilot Col. Ilan Ramon. There were warnings that parts of a vast 120-mile-long corridor of debris could be toxic because of poisonous rocket propellant(推进器).
"We are not ready to confirm that we have found any human remains," Nacogdoches County Sheriff Thomas Kerrs said. He added that among the roughly 1,000 calls reporting debris, some people said they found remains of crew members.
"The Columbia is lost. There are no survivors, …Their mission was almost complete and we lost them so close to home. … America"s space program will go on," said a grim-faced Bush in a message broadcast on television, which included condolences to the families of the dead astronauts.
1. The word “descent” in the passage means ________.
A. taking off   B. landing      C. orbiting     D. walking down
2. Which is true of the Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon?
A. He was the first Israeli astronaut to fly on the shuttle.
B. He was the first foreign astronaut to fly on the American shuttle.
C. He used to be a passenger plane pilot.
D. He was the only survivor in the Columbia disaster.
3. The Columbia disaster and the Challenger disaster were similar in that ________.
A. there were seven astronauts killed on board
B. both the shuttles exploded when they took off
C. Both the shuttles exploded when they were about to land
D. no human remains were found
4. Which of the following is wrong according to the news?
A. The U.S.A. will give up the space program because of the accident.
B. NASA hasn’t found the cause of the Columbia disaster.
C. Before the Columbia disaster, no shuttles had exploded in the course of landing.
D. Take-off and re-entry into Earth"s atmosphere are the most dangerous parts of a space mission.
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The Channel Islands are a group of Britishowned islands lying in the English Channel(海峡) , 10 to 30 miles off the French coast , and 70 to 90 miles from the English coast. There are ten islands with a total land area of 75 square miles and a total population of 123,000. The three largest islands, Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney, have long been known for the fine breeds(品种) of cattle that are raised on them and named after them.
In earliest known history the islands were considered part of Normandy, whic
h was part of France, but the ruler of Normandy became king of England in 1066, and from then on the islands were looked upon as British land. English control was unbroken until World War Ⅱ,when the Germans held the islands for five years.
Although people on the islands speak both languages and they are considered English, their customs are more French than English.
1.Which of the following maps gives the right position of the Channel Islands?

Br="Britain            " Fr="France           " Ch="Channel" Islands 
2.Jersey,Guernsey, and Alderney breeds of cattle are  ________ .
A. considered best in England
B. named after their birthplaces
C. brought to the islands by the Germans
D. raised on wellknown farms by the French 
3.The Channel Islands have been continuously under British rule since ___________.
A. earliest known history               B. 1066
C. 1930s                                D. the end of World War Ⅱ 
4.Why do people on the Channel Islands follow French way of living?
A. Their islands used to be part of Frence.
B. Their islands are often visited by the French.
C. They came from France.
D. They speak French. 
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Having learned much about the War of Resistance against Japan, Mao Jingxin didn’t like the Japanese when she was a child. “I thought they were cruel and rude,” said the 18-year-old girl from Hebei Province. But she began to change her mind after she met some Japanese teenagers in a history museum six years ago. These fashionable high school students looked seriously at the history displays and talked to Mao in a friendly way. “I found that they are not bad as I thought,” she said.
Like Mao, many Chinese teenagers’ are caught up in this confusion. A survey by 21st Century Teens shows about 51 per cent of Chinese teenagers say they dislike Japan. But most of them still want to have a Japanese friend. Also, Japan lies third on their list of Asian countries that they want to visit, following Singapore and South Korea. Teens did a survey just before the 60th anniversary of the victory day of the War of Resistance against Japan, which fell on September 3. The survey aimed to encourage understanding and communication between young Chinese and Japanese.
Teens also wanted to understand Chinese teenagers’ attitudes towards Japan, and how much they actually know about the country. As Teens found, more than 60 per cent of Chinese teenagers learn about Japan through the media or books. Only 16 per cent have ever met a Japanese person.
“Most of my friends hate Japan for what it did to China during World War II. But people should not live in hatred. I think the best way to figure it out is to have contact with the Japanese people myself,” Zhang Yuyuan, a Senior 2 girl, told us in the survey.
Jin Xide, professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Science, says that China and Japan actually had a peaceful relationship during the 1970s and 1980s. Since the 1990s, the growth of Japan’ s right-wing forces has caused great difficulties. “We have to be strong against them. But we mustn’t ignore the fact that there are far more friendly Japanese,” added Jin.
“Japan has done wrong to Asian countries including China and it has caused pain to everyone,” said Hikaru, a 17-year-old girl in Kawasaki. Having visited China four times and learned much, she understands the importance of communication between the two peoples. She plans to join in an exchange programme with Chinese youth. “Welcome to Japan, my Chinese friends!” She says it with a smile.
64. Most teenagers hate Japanese because _______.
A. the Japanese they meet are cruel
B. the Japanese were cruel during the war
C. they look too fashionable
D. the Japanese don’t want to communicate with Chinese people
65. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the survey?
A. Only a small percentage of teenagers have met a Japanese.
B. More than half of the teenagers in the survey don’t like the Japanese.
C. Singapore is one of the most popular Asian tourist places for Chinese teenagers.
D. Most Chinese teenagers learn about Japan through exchange activities.
66. According to Professor Jin, _____ is the main reason for the worse relationship between Japan and China.
A. the War of Resistance against Japan
B. lack of communication
C. Japan’s increasing right-wing force
D. Japan’s rapidly-growing economy
67. The passage is written to ______.
A. encourage Chinese teenagers to meet the Japanese
B. report what Chinese teenagers think about Japan
C. provide information about Japanese teenagers
D. give a brief introduction to the history of the War of Resistance against Japan
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