当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     In the early 1950s, rese...
余选项。     In the early 1950s, researchers found that people scored lower in intelligence tests if they could speak more than one language.    1   So which one of them is right? There is a new finding recently.
Researchers showed their latest studies at a meeting in February, 2011. The latest evidence shows that
being bilingual(双语的)does not necessarily make people smarter.    2   .
    Imagine you are driving down the highway. There are many things that could draw your attention and
you really need to be able to notice all of them.    3   Why? The answer is that bilingual people are often
better at controlling their attention.
    The best method to measure it is called the Stroop Test. A person is shown words in different colors.
The person needs to tell the colors of the words.    4   For example, the word  "blue" might be written in
red, but you have to say red. You need to ignore the word and pay more attention to its color so that
you can say correctly. The bilingual people continually practise this function because both languages are
active in their mind at the same time.
        5   Researchers say bilingual children are better able to separate a word from its meaning and are
more likely to have friends from different cultures. Bilingual adults are often four to five years later than
others in suffering from dementia (痴呆症).  A. This would be easier if you are bilingual.
B. The problem is that the words are all names of colors.
C. This would be very difficult for them to achieve.
D. However, another research in the 1960s showed the opposite.
E. They would be cleverer than other people.
F. In addition, it might help people in other ways, too.
G. But researchers say it probably does make people better at certain skills.
1-5: DGABF
试题【阅读理解。     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     In the early 1950s, rese】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     The area of child psychology is one of the most significant and well studied of all the branches of
psychology. It aims to help with achieving a greater understanding of the behavior of children through an
understanding of their minds. It deals with children who range from the prenatal (出生前的) stage right
up to the stage of adolescence.
     The psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) has been credited with making a major breakthrough in
this area when he put forward his idea that children were not actually less intelligent than adults, rather
they just thought in a different way. Preciously the development of children right from birth through to
adulthood was an area that was almost completely neglected. In fact very little work was done in this
area. However, interest in this field has now developed to the point of being one of the most debated
of all the areas of psychology.
     Despite popular belief that factors such as genetics or personal characteristics are the only determining
factors that influence a youth"s behavior, this is not in fact the case. In reality, development actually
includes many more factors than those contained within an individual. Factors such as environment, which
can include social relationships and the surrounding culture, also play important roles. Relationships with
both peers and adults will no doubt affect how children think and learn, and therefore develop. These
relationships can include those that are found not only within families but also in schools and peer groups.
     Culturally speaking, this factor will contribute greatly to how children develop their personality
concerning the values they end up holding (perhaps for a lifetime) as well as how they view such things as
traditions and customs.
     Nowadays, psychologists have agreed that a child"s psychology is both unique and highly complex.
However, there are debates on many different points in this field and many viewpoints exist.1. The word "neglected" underlined in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by "______".A. ignored      
B. destroyed        
C. developed      
D. explored2. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A. Popular belief about child psychology.
B. The role families play in a child"s development.
C. Factors that affect a child"s development.
D. The importance of relationships to a child.3. The author"s purpose in writing the passage is to ____.A. introduce an important psychologist.
B. give a brief introduction to child psychology.
C. compare some of the areas of psychology.
D. explain the development in psychology.
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。     __ 1     
     What would you be like if you were to take the college entrance exam tomorrow?    2 _Or, worried
and uneasy?
     "I was surprised at how I could get angry so easily with my parents before a big exam, " said a senior
3 student Wang Yangqian from Beijing. "I couldn"t fall asleep even after I"d been in bed for two hours."
     Not only exams but also other things, like a big game, can make you different from how you are
usually. You may act differently because you are stressed out. What is stress?    3     Usually your hands
get wet and your heart beats faster. You feel stressed because you might ask too much of yourself
sometimes. Or, your parents, teachers or classmates put too much pressure on you. This can make you
worried. But being stressed is not always a big problem. Everybody, even sports stars, can get a little
worried before a big game.
     Some kinds of stress are good. Good stress might show up when you" re called on in class or when
you have to give a report.    4     You may do a better job in your book report if the anxiety pushes you
to do more work before you read it to the class.
     Sometimes stress can turn into something bad if you keep having stressful feelings for a long time.This
kind of stress isn"t going to help you.It can make you sick.   5    
     Remember to stay relaxed.It won"t be the end of the world, even if you don"t pass the exam.A. Peaceful and happy as usual?
B. This kind of stress can help you get things done well.
C. Stress can push you to meet your deadline.
D. Stress can be good or bad for people.
E. You may feel stressed when you ask for too much help.
F. It can also prevent you from working harder.
G. Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something.
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Baby girls make their way directly for dolls as soon as they can crawl, while boys will head for the toy
cars,  a study has shown. The findings, the first to show differences in very young babies, suggest there is
a biological basis to their preferences.
     Psychologists Dr Brenda Todd from City University London carried out an experiment involving 90
infants aged nine months to 36 months. The babies were allowed to choose from seven toys. Some were
stereotypically boys" toys - a car, a digger, a ball and a blue teddy.  The rest were girls" toys: a pink teddy, a doll and a cooking set. They were placed a meter away from the toys, and could pick whichever toy
they liked. Their choice and the amount of time they spent playing with each toy were recorded.
     Of the youngest children (nine to 14 months), girls spent significantly longer playing with the doll than
boys, and boys spent much more time with the car and ball than the girls did. Among the two-and
three-year-olds, girls spent 50 percent of the time playing with the doll while only two boys briefly
touched it. The boys spent almost 90 percent of their time playing with cars, which the girls barely
touched. There was no link between the parents" view on which toys were more appropriate for boys or
girls, and the children"s choice.
     Dr Brenda Todd said: "Children of this age are already exposed to much socialization. Boys may be
given "toys that go" while girls get toys they can care for, which may help shape their preference. But these
findings agree with the former idea that children show natural interests in particular kinds of toys. There
could be a biological basis for their choices. Males through evolution have been adapted to prefer moving objects, probably through hunting instincts(本能), while girls prefer warmer colors such as pink, the
color of a newborn baby."1. Baby boys and girls have different toy preferences probably because          .A. baby boys are much more active
B. baby girls like bright colors more
C. their parents treat them differently
D. there is a natural difference between them2.What can we infer from Paragraph 3 ?A. Nine-month-old baby boys don"t play with dolls at all.
B. Two-year-old baby girls sometimes play with cars and balls.
C. The older the babies are, the more obvious their preference is.
D. Parents should teach their babies to share each other"s toys.3. What conclusion did Dr. Brenda Todd draw from the results of the study?A. Adults purposely influence their babies preference.
B. Babies" preference isn"t affected by social surroundings.
C. Baby boys preferring to moving toys will be good at hunting.
D. Baby girls preferring warmer colors will be warm-hearted.4.We may read this article in a         section of a newspaper.A. science
B. health  
C. education  
D. entertainment  
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Most American students go to traditional public schools.There are about 88, 000 public schools, all
over the US.Some students attend about 3000 independent public schools called charter schools.
     Charter schools are self-governing.Private companies operate some charter schools.They are similar
in some ways to traditional public schools.They receive tax money just as other public schools do.
Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning.These
governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.
     Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public
schools.Local, state, or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach.Each school can choose its
own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them.Class size is usually smaller than in traditional
public schools.
     The Bush Administration strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools that
are failing to educate students.But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools.One
teachers" union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of
students in traditional schools and charter schools.
     The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government"s delay in releasing the results of the
study, which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress.Union education experts say the
study shows that charter school students performed worse on math and reading tests than students in
regular public schools.
     Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools
have more problems than students in traditional schools.Other education experts say the study results
should make charter school officials demand improved student progress.1. If a private company wants to operate a charter school, it must______.A. try new methods of teaching      
B. prove its management ability
C. obey the local and state laws      
D. get the government"s permission2.What"s the government"s attitude toward charter schools?A. Doubtful    
B. Supportive.  
C. Subjective.  
D. Optimistic.3. What can we learn from the text?A. More students choose to attend charter schools.
B. Charter schools are better than traditional schools.
C. Students in charter schools are well educated.
D. People have different opinions about charter schools.4. It can be interred from the text that ___.A. charter schools are part of the public education system
B. one-on-one attention should be paid to students
C. the number of charter schools will be limited
D. charter schools are all privately financed    
题型:河南省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Skinner Creek ESL Guest Ranch offers a unique outdoor adventure camp for international students.
Students who come to Skinner Creek have the opportunity to learn English in an environment entirely
different from a regular school setting. English classes are designed to meet the academic and spoken
levels of each student. All English classes will be taught by instructors qualified in teaching English as a
second language. All levels of English are available.
     After class, students can enjoy many outdoor activities in a controlled and safe environment.
Experienced managers and camp teachers will prepare each activity to the level appropriate for each
Students" safety is a priority (优先考虑的事) for the staff of Skinner Creek ESL Guest Ranch. Students
are monitored at all times and supervisors are in the cabins with the students at night. Staff members have
St. John"s First Aid and Transportation and Wilderness First Aid. An emergency clinic is nearby and
accessible 24 hours.
     English Classes:
     Class hours are from Monday to Friday, 9:00 am-2:00 pm with a one-hour break for lunch.
     Students are challenged in reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary building and conversational English.
     Fun After-class Activities:
     Great after-class activities include: horseback riding lessons, hiking, baseball, volleyball, badminton,
mountain hiking, bonfires and much more.
     Time to watch videos and TV and play games.
     Experience Canadian family life.
     Special all-day and overnight weekend activities include: camping, days at the lake(fishing, swimming
and boating) and more.
     Travel Information:
     Students will be picked up at Vancouver airport and dropped off again for their individual flights.
Transportation to and from the ranch will be provided as well as overnight stays in Vancouver.
     Please contact the ranch directly for prices: skinnercreek@telus. net.1. If you attend Skinner Creek Summer Camp, you will___.A. sometimes have English Classes outdoors.
B. learn how to deal with dangers in the wild.
C. enjoy different sports activities after class
D. experience the traditional farmer lifestyle.2. How many hours of English classes do students have every week in Skinner Creek?A. 35 hours
B. 28 hours
C. 25 hours
D. 20 hours3. How will most students travel to Skinner Creek if they want to attend the camp?A. By air
B. By car
C. By boat
D. By train
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