当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Philo Farnsworth, the ...

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Philo Farnsworth, the inventor of one of the country’s greatest machines was actually born in a log cabin,  1 to high school on horse back and without   2 of university degree(indeed, at age 14), thought of the idea of electronic television. In 1906 Farnsworth was born in a community near Beaver City, Utah,  3 by his grandfather.  4 he was 12, his family moved to a ranch (大牧场)in Rigby, Idaho, which was four miles from, the nearest high school,  5 necessitating(使成为必要)his daily horseback rides. Because he was interested in the electron and electricity, he persuaded his chemistry teacher, Justin Tolman, to give him   6 instruction and to allow him to listen to a senior course.
The death of his father forced him to leave at the end of his second year, but, as it   7 , at no great intellectual cost. There were, at the time, no more than a handful of men   8 the planet who could have understood Farnsworth’s idea for building an electronic television system, and it’s   9 that any of them were at this local community. One such man was Vladimir Zworykin who had moved to the US from Russia with a Ph. D in electrical engineering. He went to work for Westinghouse with a dream of building an all-electronic television system. But he wasn’t   10 to do so.


A.turned outB.showed upC.bore outD.reflected on



本文讲述的是电视的发明者Philo Farnsworth的成长经历,告诉我们,即使没有大学文凭,也一样可以有所作为。
小题1:考查动词词意辨析和语境的理解。从后面的to high school on horse back知道是骑马上学的。
小题2:考查语境的理解。从语境知道,Philo Farnsworth小时候骑马上学,没有大学文凭带来的种种好处,却产生了发明电视的主意。
小题3:考查动词词意辨析和语境的理解。Philo Farnsworth出生那个地方,是他的爷爷辈定居的。
小题4:考查语境的理解。这里表示时间,在Philo Farnsworth12岁时,他们家搬到Rigby的大牧场。
小题8:考查语境的理解。on the planet在地球上,这里表示“世界上”。
小题10:考查语境的理解。从文中知道Vladimir Zworykin曾经有这个梦想,但是最后没有成功。
试题【阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1—10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Philo Farnsworth, the 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Bill Javis took over our village’s news-agency at a time of life when most of us only wanted to relax. He just thought he would like something but not too much to do, and the news-a­gency was ready-made. The business produced little enough for him, but Bill was a man who only wanted the simplicity and order and regularity of the job. He had been a long-serving sailor, and all his life had done everything by the clock.
Every day he opened his shop at 6:00 a. m. to catch the early trade; the papers arrived on his doorstep before that. Many of Bill’s customers were city workers, and the shop was convenient for the station. Business was tailing off by 10 o’clock, so at eleven sharp Bill closed for lunch. It was hard luck on anybody who wanted a paper or magazine in the after­noon, for most likely Bill would be down on the river bank, fishing, and his neatest competitor was five kilometers away. Sometimes in the afternoon-, the evening paper landed on the doorway, and at 4 o’ clock Bill reopened his shop. The evening rush lasted till seven, and it was worthwhile.
He lived in a flat above the ship, alone. Except in the very bad weather, you always knew where to find him in the af­ternoon, as I have said. Once, on a sunny afternoon, I walked home along the river bank from a shopping trip to the village. By my watch it was three minutes past four, so I was aston­ished to see Bill sitting there on his little chair with a line in the, water. He had no luck, I could, see, but he was making no effort to move. “What’s wrong, Bill?” I called out from the path.
For answer, he put a hand in his jacket and took out a big, golden object. For a moment I had no idea what it could be, and then it suddenly went off with a noise like a fire en­gine. Stopping the bell, Bill held the thing up and called back, "Ten to four, you see, and this is dead right. "
I had never known anyone carrying a brass alarm clock round with him before.
5. Bill Javis became a news-agent when ________.
A. he need the money.                        B. he decided to take things easy
C. he was quite an old man                 D. he gave up clock-repairing
6. Bill opened the shop so early in the day because ________.
A. he liked to do as much as possible before he went to work
B. the shop had to be open when the morning papers came
C. he was never sure of time
D. it was then that he did a lot of business
7. On that sunny afternoon, the writer was surprised when he saw Bill because ________.
A. he thought it was late for Bill to be still fishing
B. he thought Bill was ill, since he was not moving at all
C. Bill had not caught anything, and that seemed strange
D. Bill stayed in his flat
8. From the information given in the passage, who or what do you think was wrong?
A. The bell was; it must have gone off at the wrong time.
B. Bill was; he had dropped off to sleep.
C. The writer’s watch was fast.
D. Bill’s clock was wrong; it was old.
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A qualified doctor who rarely practiced but instead devoted his life to writing. He once said: “Medicine is my lawful wife, and literature is my lover.” Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, was a great playwright and one of the masters of the modern short story.
When Chekhov entered the Moscow University Medical School in 1879, he started to publish hundreds of comic short stories to support his family. After he graduated, he wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.
As a writer he was extremely fast, often producing a short story in an hour or less. Chekhov’s medical and science experience can be seen through the indifference(冷漠) many of his characters show to tragic events. In 1892, he became a full time writer and published some of his most memorable stories.
Chekhov often wrote about the sufferings of life in small town Russia. Tragic events control his characters who are filled with feelings of hopelessness and despair.
It is often said that nothing happens in Chekhov’s stories and plays. He made up for this with his exciting technique for developing drama within his characters. Chekhov’s work combined the calm attitude of a scientist and doctor with the sensitivity(敏感) of an artist.
Some of Chekhov"s works were translated into Chinese as early as the 1940s. One of his famous stories, The Man in a Shell, about a school teacher’s extraordinarily orderly life, was selected as a text for Chinese senior students.
小题1:Anton Pavlovich Chekhov ________.
A.had a lawful loverB.was an illegal writer
C.used to be a lawyerD.was a competent doctor
小题2:In 1880, Chekhov ________.
A.became a full-time writer
B.studied medicine in Moscow University
C.practiced medicine in his hometown
D.published his most memorable stories
小题3:Which of the following adjectives can’t be used to describe Chekhov?
小题4:Which of the following is the right order of the events?
a. became a doctor
b. became a full time writer
c. started to publish comic short stories
d. wrote regularly for a local daily newspaper.
e. entered the Moscow University Medical School

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One day Walt Disney had a vision. It was a vision of a place where children and parents could have fun together. The more Walt dreamed of a "magical park," the more imaginative and elaborate it became.
The original plans for the park were on 8 acres next to the Burbank studios where his employees and families could go to relax. Although, World War II put those plans on hold. During the war, Disney had time to come up with new ideas, and creations for his magical park. It was soon clear that 8 acres wouldn"t be enough.
Finally in 1953, he had the Stanford Research Institute conduct a survey for a 100-acre site, outside of Los Angeles. He needed space to build rivers, waterfalls, and mountains; he would have flying elephants and giant teacups; a fairy-tale castle, moon rockets, and a scenic railway; all inside a magic kingdom he called "Disneyland."
The search for the best venue for the park ended in the rural Anaheim, California with a purchase of a 160-acre orange grove near the junction of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and Harbor Boulevard.
Construction for Disneyland began on July 21, 1954, 12 months before the park was scheduled to open.
Some 160-acres of citrus trees had been cleared and 15 houses moved to make room for the park. However, when the real designing came around, Disney met with inevitable questions. How do you make believable wild animals, that aren"t real? How do you make a Mississippi paddle ship? How do you go about building a huge castle in the middle of Anaheim, California? Disney asked his movie studio staff for answers. The design of Disneyland was something never done before.   There would be four uniquely different theme parts: Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland Tomorrow land. Bit by bit, Disneyland got ready for Opening Day. The staff worked around the clock to get ready.
But opening day was a terrible disaster. Beside the terrible opening day conditions, the park did eventually pick up. By 1965, ten years after opening day, 50 Million visitors had come through the gates.
1. The passage is mainly about___________.
What visitors can enjoy in Disneyland.
The difficulties Disney met in building Disneyland
How Disneyland came into being
A brief introduction to Disneyland
2. Which of the following dates would probably be the opening date of Disneyland?
A. 1953     B. 1954       C. 1955       D. 1965
3. Which of the following statements is Not True?
World War II had some influence on the building plan of the Disneyland.
Disney must have met many difficulties in building Disneyland.
About 50 million visitors have visited Disneyland so far.
Disney was a great man with great imagination and creativity.
4. You could see all the following things except_________ in Disney.
A. rivers, waterfalls, and mountains    B. flying elephants and giant teacups
C. a huge castle                    D. wild animals
5. The underlined phrase in the last paragraph probably means _________.
A. collect      B. improve     C. find       D. open
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Material Girl no more? Madonna says writing children’s books is more satisfying than being a movie star.
Her book, The English Roses, wen t on sale on September 15th, appearing in 100 countries and in 30 languages as the first in her series of tales for children. The pop diva (女歌唱家), whose only book until now was the 1992 photo essay titled “Sex”, said she wrote the books to teach children some of the life lessons she’s learned over the years.
“The most fun that I’ve had of all the things I’ve done successfully has been to write these books. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m not doing it to become more famous, and I’m not doing it to become richer. I’m doing it because I want to share something I know with children.”
Hours after its release, the 43page book was already No. 3 on Amazon, com’s sales list. The first print is 1 million copies worldwide, with more than 750,000 in the United States. The English Roses is about a friendship shared by four girls and their mutual (共同的) envy of a beautiful classmate, with illustrations (插图) by fashion artist Jeffrey Fulvimari.
“There is one lifegiving force in the world,” Madonna declared. “When we disconnect from this lifegiving force, that’s when we bring pain and suffering into our lives. Each of the stories has to do with different ways you disconnect from God. ”Madonna also said she was deeply affected by the experience of raising two children, Lourdes, 6, and Rocco, 3. The English Roses is the latest among a growing number of celebritywritten children’s books.
The next book in the series, “Mr Peabody’s Apples,”will be out in November.Each tale is set in a different time and  place and has new characters and different illustrators.
1.How many books does Madonna’s series of tales include?
A.At least 3.             B.4.             C.At least 2.               D.6.
2.According to the idea of Madonna, the underlined phrase “life-giving force”in Paragraph 5 refers to       .
A.The English Roses.      B.God            C.Mr Peabody’s Apples.   D.her life
3.When Madonna said writing children’s books was more satisfying than being a movie star,she meant that        .
A.she was more satisfied with her writing children’s books
B.she was more satisfied as a movie star       C.being a movie star was not really successful
D.she was not a Material Girl any more
4.According to the passage,Madonna wrote the book The English Roses in order to        .
A.provide children with fun                      B.teach children some life lessons
C.teach children how to become famous             D.share her success with children
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Marie Curie was a Polish physicist and chemist who lived between 1867-1934. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered two new elements (radium and polonium, two radioactive elements that they extracted chemically from pitchblende ore) and studied the x-rays they emitted. She found that the harmful properties of x-rays were able to kill tumors. By the end of World War I, Marie Curie was probably the most famous woman in the world. She had made a conscious decision, however, not to patent methods of processing radium or its medical applications.
Marie Curie was born November 7, 1867 in Poland and died on July 4, 1934. Her co-discovery with her husband Pierre Curie of the radioactive elements radium and polonium represents one of the best known stories in modern science for which they were recognized in 1901 with the Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1911, Marie Curie was honored with a second Nobel prize, this time in chemistry, to honor her for successfully isolating pure radium and determining radium"s atomic weight.
As a child, Marie Curie amazed people with her great memory. She learned to read when she was only four years old. Her father was a professor of science and the instruments that he kept in a glass case fascinated Marie. She dreamed of becoming a scientist, but that would not be easy. Her family became very poor, and at the age of 18, Marie became a governess. She helped pay for her sister to study in Paris. Later, her sister helped Marie with her education. In 1891, Marie attended the Sorbonne University in Paris where she met and married Pierre Curie, a well-known physicist.
Marie Curie contributed greatly to our understanding of radioactivity and the effects of x-rays. She received two Nobel prizes for her brilliant work, but died of leukemia, caused by her repeated exposure to radioactive material.
What is the main idea of the passage?
To give us a general introduction to Madame Curie.
To show us how Madame Curie discovered radium.
To tell us how Madame Curie developed as a scientist.
To tell us how Madame Curie received two Nobel Prizes.
Madame Curie was given the Nobel Prize in chemistry because_________.
she discovered radium
she separated pure radium and calculated its atomic weight
she discovered polonium
she didn’t patent methods of processing radium
Which of the following statements about Madame Curie is Not True?
Madame Curie made great contributions to medical science.
Madame Curie was very smart and ambitious when she was a child.
Madame Curie received two Nobel Prizes in physics.
Madame Curie’s husband helped her a lot in her research.
4. We can infer from the third paragraph that_________.
①Madame Curie got married when she was at college.
②Madam Curie had a great ambition when she was young.
③Madame Curie loved teaching more than anything else.
④Madam Curie must have met a lot of difficulties to get high education.
⑤Her father had a great influence on Madam Curie’s future career.
⑥Madam Curie was very smart when she was a child
A. ①②④⑤⑥     B.②④⑤⑥    C. ②③④⑤⑥    D. ①②③④⑤
5. Which is the right order about Madam Curie according to the passage?
a. married Pierre       b. attended University       c. discovered radium  
d. determined radium’s atomic weight               e. won the Nobel Prize in physics
A. b, c, a, d, e      B. b, a, c, d, e     C. b, a, c, e, d     D. b, c, a, e, d
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