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Jones worked so hard that made the sparks fly from his hammer.The son of Mr.Smith, a rich neighbor, used to come to see the blacksmith and he would enjoy himself watching how the tradesman worked."Why don’t you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks?" said the blacksmith."Who knows, one day, it may be of use to you." The lazy boy began to see what he could do.But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.
Old Mr.Smith died and the son on account of the war lost all his goods.He had to leave home and was forced to take up residence in another country.It so happened that in this village there were numerous shoemakers who were spending a lot of money to buy tacks for their shoes and even at times when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a high demand for soldiers’ shoes.
Young Smith, who was finding it difficult to earn his daily bread, remembered that he had learned the art of making tacks and had the sudden idea of making a bargain with the shoemakers.He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help to get him settled in his workshop.The shoemakers were only too glad of the offer."How funny it seems," he used to say, "even making tacks can bring a fortune.My trade is more useful to me than were all my former riches."
小题1:From Paragraph 1 we can refer that _______
A.Jones was a blacksmith from another country
B.Old Smith wanted his son to learn skill from Jones
C.Young Smith was too lazy to learn to make shoe tacks
D.Young Smith was good at making shoe tacks by accident
小题2:The reason why young Smith was forced to leave his home town is that ______
A.he was lazy and wasted all the money from his father
B.the price of shoe tacks in another country was high
C.his father died and left nothing for him
D.there was a terrible which broke his peace
小题3:We can learn from the last paragraph that Young Smith _______
A.made a living in the village by selling bread
B.worked in the workshop as a shoemakers
C.was good at making soldier shoes
D.lived a better life in the village than before
小题4:Which of the following well-known sayings can best tell the main idea of the passage?
A.Knowledge is no burden.
B.Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
C.You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
D.Time lost cannot be recalled.


1. 从第一段可看出Young Smith 是一富人的儿子,每天去看铁匠工作,经铁匠建议后开始学习,慢慢感兴趣并熟练了。其他选项和第一段不符。只能选D
2.从第二段“Old Mr.Smith died and the son on account of the war lost all his goods.He had to leave home and was forced to take up residence in another country.”可看出选C
3.最后一段,尤其是“"How funny it seems," he used to say, "even making tacks can bring a fortune.My trade is more useful to me than were all my former riches."”可看出他能自立更生。
4.Knowledge is no burden.知识再多也不压身。
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 有志者事竟成。
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.老狗学不会新把戏。比喻人总是老一套,被人摸透了,容易揣度
Time lost cannot be recalled.光阴一去不复返。
试题【Jones worked so hard that made the sparks fly from his hammer.The son of Mr.Smit】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
One morning, a young man leading a goat lost his way due to the thick mist.Then he met a blind man and asked whether he also lost his way.The blind man said, “I cannot see anything.Therefore, the mist doesn’t affect me.I followed the path in my memory and it never goes wrong.”
Happily the young man led the goat following him forward.The blind man asked where he was going.He said he wanted to sell his goat.“Male or female? How many years have you kept it?” The young man spoke without too much thought, “A female goat of 3 years!”
The young man was still following the blind man when he was grasped the hand by the blind man.He shouted ,“Here is the police station! Go into it and elaborate on how you stole the goat!”
The young man had been a thief for a long time and admitted the goat was stolen by him.He asked the blind man puzzlingly, “But how do you know I am a thief?”
The blind man smiled, “I have been keeping goats for decades and can tell one of them is male or female as well as their age according to their voices.The goat you led just now is obviously a male goat, but you said female.The goat is simply a little more than one year old, but you said you had kept it for three years.Moreover, the goat will bleat totally differently when he is led by a stranger instead of his owner.So I can tell the goat does not belong to you!” Only then did the thief understand the whole thing with his head dropped down.
小题1:The blind man didn’t lost his way because _________
A.he didn’t lead a goat
B.he couldn’t see anything
C.he wasn’t affected by the thick mist
D.he had a better memory than the young man
小题2:According to the dialogue in Paragraph 2, we can know that ______
A.the blind man was a detective
B.the young man was an honest man
C.the young man familiar with the goat
D.the blind man was very careful
小题3:The underlined word “elaborate” in Paragraph 3 most probably means ______
A.express in detailB.tell a lie
C.learn by heartD.make up one’s mind
小题4:We can infer that the young man was ______after hearing the blind man’s explanation.

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Jiuzhaigou is a very beautiful place.It is in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Region in Sichuan Province.Jiuzhaigou is a valley.It is more than 40 kilometers long.The green and golden trees, the lofty and multi-shaped mountains and the clear and colorful waters form the unique beauty of Jiuzhaigou.The water of Jiuzhaigou is the soul of the beauty.There are more than 100 lakes of different shapes in the valley.These lakes have wonderful colors.They are called “haizi”, which means son of the sea.These beautiful lakes make Jiuzhaigou a fantastic place.Between the forests and the lakes, there are nine Tibetan villages.The name Jiuzhaigou means Nine Village Valley.
Jiuzhaigou was discovered because of a panda rescue program.The pandas were once endangered because the bamboo there was blooming.When people came to rescue the pandas, they were surprised by the beauty of Jiuzhaigou.After that, Jiuzhaigou became a protected scenic area.
In China, there is a saying which goes like this: No mountain is worth seeing after you have seen Mount Huang and no other body of water will attract you after you have visited Jiuzhaigou.The beauty of Jiuzhaigou cannot be described in words.The best way to enjoy this fairyland is to go there.See you in Jiuzhaigou.
小题1:What is the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following?
These beautiful lakes make Jiuzhaigou a fantastic place.
小题3:Translate the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.
小题4:How was the Jiuzhaigou Valley discovered?
小题5:What does the name Jiuzhaigou mean?
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Some disabled people use a special card when they park their cars. These are called disabled placards, which are removable signs that can be hung from the rear-view(后视) mirror of a car. These placards are only supposed to be for disabled people.
These placards are meant to help disabled people in a number of ways. They allow the person to park in special parking spaces. They can also be used when disabled people are being dropped off or picked up. Disabled people can even use them to park without having to pay.
Parking officials think that some people are cheating. Not all people who have these placards are disabled. Today, one in sixteen drivers in California carries the sign. There are a lot more people who have disabled placards today than ten years ago. An official from the DMV(加州车辆管理局) says that there are many reasons for the increase. As people get older, they may develop health problems and need to have one. There are also other reasons why more drivers have them today. Finally, there are a number of people who have them that should not.
Last year the DMV cancelled more than 25,000 permits. They found that lots of people who had the disabled placards had died. These permits are no longer valid.
Some people are worried that the system is being abused. They are worried that access to the program could be limited because of the misuse. More rules could make it harder for people with real disabilities to get these placards.
小题1:What do we know about placards?
A.They are all used by disabled people.
B.They are cards designed by disabled people.
C.They can help disabled people park their cars.
D.They allow disabled people to drive anywhere.
小题2:The DMV canceled many permits because_________.
A.the number of old people is growing
B.the number of disabled people is on the rise
C.they want to make it harder for people to get them
D.some people who have the placards have died
小题3:What can people do with the placards?
A.Drivers can use them when picking up disabled people
B.Disabled people can pay for parking with them.
C.Drivers can use them to drive their cars.
D.People can have access to DMV with them.
小题4: What does the third paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The reasons why disabled placards are also popular among drivers.
B.Some healthy people also use the disabled placards.
C.The number of disabled placard users had increased.
D.More reasons for drivers to use disabled placards.
小题5:We learn from the passage that_________.
A.disabled placards will be stopped by the government
B.some people will be punished for breaking the law
C.some disabled people will be forbidden to use disabled placards
D.some rules will be made related to disabled placards

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Several factors make a good newspaper story. First,  1  ,it must be new. But since TV can react to events so quickly, this is often a problem for    2 . They usually respond    3  it in one of three ways.
One by providing   4  detail, comment or background information.
One by finding a new   5 on the day’s major stories.
One by printing completely different stories which   6  doesn’t broadcast.
What else? Well—it also has to be   7 . People don’t want to read about    8  , everyday life. Because of this, many stories   9  some kind of conflict or danger. This is one reason why so much news seems to be   10 news , “ Plane lands safely—no-one hurt ”doesn’t sell newspapers. “Plane  11 —200 feared dead !” does .
Next, there’s human interest. People are interested in other   12  —particularly in the rich, famous and powerful. Stories about the private lives of pop singers, actors, models, politicians,   13 , all appear regularly in certain newspapers .
Finally, for many editors,   14  is an important factor, too. They prefer stories about people, places and events which their readers know. That’s   15  the stories in Tokyo’s newspapers are often very different from the stories printed in Paris, Cairo, New York or Buenos Aires.
A.with B.onC.ofD.to
A.commonB.usualC.ordinary D.special
A.in additionB.in any caseC.for exampleD.after all

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Nicola’s Love for Her Violin
Can love between partners with a 237-year age gap (差距) lead to the perfect match (绝配)? Nicola Benedetti thinks so. The 18-year-old   36  and her “partner, a 255-year-old Italian violin,   37  to China for the first time last weekend. She   38  in Beijing on September 15 and also performed in Hangzhou and Shanghai.
Nicola is from Scotland and   39  playing the violin when she was four years old.   40 , it was not something her parents   41  her do. She went with her sister to violin lessons and   42  it and improved very quickly.
“There are so many different things I am fond of about the  43 ,” she said. “I can’t really   44  it but I love giving live performances, I like the feeling of playing and communicating with the   45 . I love the feeling of the violin under my chin (下巴).”
However, playing violin six hours a day is not a/an   46  job. “I usually   47  in an upstairs bedroom when I’m at home.” she said. “But sometimes, when it’s   48  outside, it can be upset. The house is right on the   49  and I can see others having fun   50  I’m on my own.”
Although practising is sometimes lonely, Nicola   51   felt she was lucky. “You can’t have   52 . I am really lucky to do what I love doing,” she said. Her   53  paid off (终有回报). Nicola won BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2004 at 16.
  54  her performing and recording activities, Nicola is a/an   55 of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会). She said that she would travel to Lesotho in southern Africa at the end of this year to help poor kids there.
A.cameB.turned C.ranD.moved
A.checked B.playedC.visitedD.remained
A.stoppedB.requestedC.started D.ignored
A.madeB.persuaded C.wanted D.got
A.noticedB.concerned C.mindedD.loved
A.lessonsB.violinC.performances D.show
A.foreigners B.friendsC.audience D.teenagers
A.anythingB.somethingC.everything D.nothing
A.timeB.musicC.efforts D.action
A.Because ofB.BesidesC.Instead ofD.Thanks to
A.adviser B.managerC.organizer D.supporter

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