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A traveler lost his way and got off the highway to see where he was. As he drove by, he saw rows and rows of pigpens and pigs running in fields. Suddenly, his eyes caught something really strange. It looked like a pig with a wooden leg.
He drove up into the arm, where he met the farmer. “ Excuse me, ” the traveler said. “ I was just driving by and looking at all your pigs, and I just had to stop and ask about it. Tell me, is there really a pig out there with a wooden leg?” The farmer smiled. “ Oh, that would be old Caesar you saw. He’s the finest pig I’ve ever had ---and smart! Well, let me tell you a little about that pig.”
“ One night a couple of years ago I got to drinking and I guess I had more than I should have. I fell down and knocked over a lamp. That started a fire in the house and old Caesar smelled the smoke. He came in the back door, got the wife and kid out, roused me up and got me out. There is no question about it ---- that night old Caesar saved all our lives. You know that I’m not going to forget it too easily.”
“ Why,” the traveler said, “ this is amazing! I have never heard of a pig like this before! This is fantastic! But tell me, how did he get that wooden leg?”
The farmer laughed and said, “ Well, when you have a pig so smart, you don’t want to eat him all at one time!”
小题1:The farmer thought the pig _______.
A.very fatB.very cleverC.very kindD.very strange
小题2:The passage indicates that _______.
A.the pig lost a leg in the fire
B.the farmer deeply thanked the pig
C.the pig had a very good keeper
D.the real leg had been eaten by the farmer
小题3:The author wants to _______.
A.report a piece of news
B.tell us a moving story
C.tell us a humorous story
D.have a joke with us



小题1:根据第三段“...He came in the back door, got the wife and kid out, roused me up and got me out.”可知,那头猪救了农民一家人,它是聪明的。故选B。
小题2:根据最后一句“”“ Well, when you have a pig so smart, you don’t want to eat him all at one time!”
试题【A traveler lost his way and got off the highway to see where he was. As he drove】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
I have been very lucky to have won the Nobel Prize twice. It is, of course, very exciting to have such an important recognition of my work, but the real pleasure was in the work itself. Scientific research is like an exploration of a voyage of discovery. You are continually trying out new things that have not been done before. Many of them will lead nowhere and you have to try something different, but sometimes an experiment does work and tells you something new and that is really exciting. However small the new finding may be, it is great to think “ I am the only person who knows this” and then you will have the fun of thinking what this finding will lead to and deciding what will be the next experiment. One of the best things about scientific research is that you are always doing something different and it is never boring. There are good times when things go well and bad times when they don’t. Some people get discouraged at the difficult times but when I have a failure, my policy has always been not to worry but to start planning the next experiment, which is always fun.
It is very exciting to make a new discovery. Some people will do the strangest things for this excitement, such as going round the world in a balloon or walking to the North Pole. There are not many new places to explore but there is a lot of new information to be discovered in science and a journey into this unknown area can be much more worthwhile and just as exciting.
I am sometimes asked, “What do you have to do to win a Nobel Prize?” My answer is: “I don’t know. I have never tried.” But I know of one way not to win one. There are some people whose main reason for doing science is to win prizes and they are always thinking about how to do it. Such people don’t succeed. To do good science you must be interested in it and enjoy doing experiments and thinking out problems. And, of course, you must be prepared to work hard and not to be too discouraged by failure.
小题1:In the writer’s eyes his greatest pleasure in all his lifetime is _______.
A.to win the Nobel Prize for the first time
B.to be awarded the Nobel Prize for the second time.
C.in the work itself
D.to have a much more important recognition of his work.
小题2:Why did the writer think scientific research to be one of the best things?
A.You will be able to win the Nobel Prize through the scientific research
B.You can make as much money as possible by doing the scientific research.
C.You may continue doing with something different and exciting, so you can never be tired of doing the scientific research.
D.You can get much more chances of promotion by making the scientific research.
小题3:What would the writer do when he had a failure?
A.He would forget this failure and start the next experiment.
B.He used to be worried about it for several days and never forget it.
C.He always gave up his study as the result of the failure.
D.He used to think out the reasons and then continue to do it again.
小题4:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The writer could still keep calm when he heard the news that he had won the Nobel Prize.
B.The writer always gave up his courage when he met with some difficulties in the course of his scientific research.
C.In the field of science there are still many new things which need to be studied further.
D.There are still many exciting places to explore in the world.

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As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but notice their calluses(老茧) and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a     , including all his struggles.
One summer, I remember, a drought (旱灾) hit Ontario, turning it into a     desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last      from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which      took twenty minutes. That morning, however, the process didn’t      quickly. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field, we      needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated and     . Dropping the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves!” Dad     , “Just think, my little girl, only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’re     .” Such is Dad — whatever problem he     , he never gives up.
     , the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our county. It was a challenging time for everyone,      Dad remained optimistic. He      to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates. Only then did I truly begin to      Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.
  Dad is also a living example of real     . From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to      our family. He always puts our happiness      his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games      his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic and     , putting others first.
  Dad, the life      I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.
A.stormy B.lively C.disappearing D.burning
A.order B.form C.gap D.position
A.repeatedly B.normally C.finally D.really
A.go B.begin C.occur D.change
A.yet B.still C.even D.nearly
A.surprised B.nervous C.angry D.frightened
A.apologized B.cried C.complained D.laughed
A.lost B.done C.gone D.touched
A.meets with B.brings up C.works out D.thinks about
A.Thankfully B.Hopefully C.Unfortunately D.Strangely
A.or B.for C.so D.but
A.happenedB.seemed C.continued D.aimed
A.face B.appreciate C.examine D.question
A.love B.pride C.friendship D.honesty
A.supportB.settle C.start D.impress
A.after B.before C.beside D.under
A.in spite of B.in terms of C.in control of D.in place of
A.careful B.regretful C.considerate D.humorous
A.history B.motto C.patterns D.lessons

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Once a farmer had some puppies to sell. He painted a(n)____ advertising the pups and set about nailing it to a post on the edge of his
yard.____he was driving the last nail into the post,he felt a sudden pull on his trousers.He____down into the eyes of a little boy.
“Mister,”he said,“I want to buy one of your puppies.”
“Well,”said the farmer,as he rubbed the sweat off the back of his___,“these puppies come from fine parents and____ a good deal of money.”
The boy____his head for a moment. Then reaching deep into his pocket,he pulled out a handful of____and held it up to the farmer. “I’ve got thirty­nine cents. Is that enough to take a look?”
“Sure,”said the farmer.
And with that he____a whistle,“Here,Dolly!”he called.
____from the doghouse and down the road ran Dolly____by four little balls of fur. As the dogs made their____to the fence,the little boy noticed something else moving inside the doghouse.____another little ball appeared,this one noticeably smaller. The little pup began walking unsteadily toward the others,doing its best to____.
“I want that one,”the little boy said,____at the runt (矮个子).
The farmer knelt down at the boy’s side and said,“Son,you____want that puppy. He will never be able to____and play with you as other dogs would.”
With that the little boy____back from the fence,reached down,and began rolling up one leg of his____.In doing so he showed a steel brace(支柱) running down both sides of his leg attaching itself to a____made shoe. Looking back up at the farmer,he said,“You see,sir,I don’t run too well myself,and he will need someone who understands.”  The____is full of people who need someone who understands.
A.let outB.carried outC.put outD.left out
A.get upB.stand upC.catch upD.move up
A.movingB.pointing C.callingD.turning

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Where we live,on the eastern shore of Maryland,the gentle waters run in and out like fingers slimming at the tips.
The Canada geese know this place,as do the white swans and the ducks. In autumn,they come home for the winter. Once or twice each year,snow and frozen rain move into the area. When this happens,if the river is at its narrowest,there is a freeze which hardens the water to ice.
One morning,a friend of mine set the breakfast table beside the huge window,which overlooked the Tred Avon River. Suddenly she leaned forward and cried out,“There is a goose out there.”
We saw the figure of a large Canada goose,very still,its wings folded tight to its sides,its feet frozen into the ice.
Then from the dark skies,she saw a line of swans. They floated from the top of the sky downward and at last landed on the ice. My friend was on her feet now,with one hand against her mouth,unbelieving. As the swans surrounded the frozen goose,she feared that life it still had might be pecked(啄) out by those great swan bills.
Instead,those bills began to work on the ice. The long necks were lifted and curved down,again and again. It went on for a long time. At last,the goose’s head was lifted. Its body was pulled. Then the goose was free and stood on the ice. And the swans stood in the air watching. Then,as if it had cried,“I cannot fly.” Four of the swans came down around it. Their powerful beaks chipped off the ice held in the feathers. Slowly,the goose spread its wings as far as they would go,and moved slowly into the sky.
This is a true story. I just think of it in the bad moment,and from it comes only one hopeful question:If so for birds,why not for man?
小题1:Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Why Not for Man?B.Graceful Swans
C.Swans’ Brave ActD.I Just Couldn’t Believe It!
小题2:What happened to the Canada goose?
A.It was deserted by other geese.
B.It was stuck in the ice.
C.It was wounded and couldn’t fly.
D.It was lost in the water.
小题3:At first the author’s friend was worried that________.
A.the swans would not help the Canada goose
B.she didn’t care about this matter any more
C.the swans wouldn’t identify with the Canada goose
D.the swans would peck the Canada goose to death
小题4:What did the swans do when they saw the Canada goose couldn’t fly?
A.They chipped off the ice held in its feathers.
B.They waited patiently for the ice held in its feathers to melt.
C.They came down and lifted it up to the sky together.
D.They stayed with it and protected it.

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Inventor,physicist,surveyor,astronomer,biologist,artist... Robert Hooke was all these and more. Some say he was the greatest experimental scientist of the seventeenth century. Once he worked with renowned(有名声的) men of science like Christian Huygens,Antony van Leeuwenhoek,Robert Boyle,Isaac Newton and the great architect,Christopher Wren.
Hooke’s early education began at home,under the guidance of his father. He entered Westminster School at the age of thirteen,and from there he went to Oxford,where he came in contact with some of the best scientists in England. Hooke impressed them with his skill at designing experiments and devising(发明) instruments. In 1662,at the age of twenty-eight,he was named Curator of Experiments of the newly formed Royal Society of London. Hooke accepted the job,even though he knew that it had no money to pay him!
Watching living things through the microscope was one of his favorite occupations. He devised a compound microscope for this purpose. One day while observing a cork (软木) under a microscope,he saw honeycomb-like structures. They were cells—the smallest units of life.In fact,it was Hooke who coined the term “cell” as the boxlike cells of the cork reminded him of the cells of a monastery(修道院).
Perhaps because of his varied interests,Hooke often left experiments unfinished. Others took up where he left off and then claimed sole(独占的)credit. This sometimes led to quarrels with colleagues. One work that he finished was his book MICROGRAPHIA,a volume that reveals the immense potential of the microscope. The book also includes,among other things,ideas on gravity and light which may have helped scientists like Newton while they were developing their own theories on these phenomena.
Hooke made valuable contributions to astronomy too. A crater(陨石坑) on the moon is named after him in appreciation of his services to this branch of science.
小题1:From the first paragraph,we can know that Robert Hooke __________.
A.was famous because he worked with many scientists
B.liked making friends with the famous people
C.received a lot from other scientists
D.made contributions to many different fields
小题2:Robert Hooke probably went to school in __________.
A.1647   B.1634C.1662D.1640
小题3:Robert Hooke made himself known to some of the best scientists in England by __________.
A.learning by himself with his father’s help
B.introducing himself to them
C.designing experiments and instruments
D.refusing any reward from Royal Society of London
小题4:Robert Hooke couldn’t get along well with his colleagues because __________.
A.he couldn’t finish his work on time sometimes
B.he had all kinds of interests in his daily life
C.he was too proud to look up to them
D.the other scientists took the fruits of his experiments

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