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Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes(芒果). One day he decided to get the sweetest mango from the very top of the tree. Mangoes which are exposed to the sun the most are the sweetest.
So he climbed up to the top, where the branches were thin. He managed to pick up a few sweet reddish fruits, but, in an attempt to climb down, he slipped and started falling towards the ground. Fortunately, he caught the branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree. Then he started to call nearby villagers for help. They immediately came with a ladder and sticks, but could do little to help him.
Then after some time one calm and thoughtful person arrived - a well-known sage who lived in a simple hut nearby. People were very curious to see what he would do, as he was famous in solving many people’s problems in the area and sometimes very complicated ones.
He was silent for a minute and then picked up a stone and threw it at the hanging man. Everybody was surprised. The hanging mango lover started to shout: What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?”  The sage was silent. Then he took another stone and threw it at the man. The man was very angry: “If I could just come down, I would show you!”
That’s what everybody wanted - that he came down. But how? Now everybody was tense(紧张), as to what would happen next! Some wanted to punish the sage, but they didn’t. The sage picked another stone and threw it again at the man, even more forcefully. Now the man on the tree was enraged and developed a great determination to come down and take revenge(报仇).
He then used all his skill and strength and somehow reached the branches which were safe to start going down. And he made it! Everybody was amazed.
However, the rescued man found the sage gone. He stood there, realizing that the man really helped him because he induced him to try his best and save himself.
“I should be thankful and not angry.”
小题1:What happened after he had picked a few sweet reddish mangoes?
A.He remained hanging helplessly on the tree.
B.He slipped and fell to the ground suddenly.
C.He was climbing down quickly but carefully.
D.He shouted loudly for help but no one helped.
小题2:How did the man feel when the sage hit him with a stone?
A.He was nervous.B.He kept silent.C.He was angry.D.He felt surprised.
小题3:What do you think motivated the man to climb down?
A.Courage. B.Assistance.C.Carefulness.D.Revenge.
小题4:From the story we know that the sweetest mango must be the one        .
A.on the tree for the longest timeB.hidden in the middle of a tree
C.on the very top of the a treeD.exposed to sunlight less often
小题5:The best title of this passage will be _____.
A.Anger saves one’s life. B.Wisdom does count.
C.Skill and strength count.D.Anger is the biggest enemy.



小题1:A 细节题。根据文章第二段2,3行Fortunately, he caught the branch as he was falling and remained helplessly hanging on the tree.可知他在摔下来的过程中抓住了树枝,结果绝望地挂在空中。故A正确。
小题2:C 细节题。根据文章第四段The hanging mango lover started to shout: What are you doing?! Are you crazy? Do you want me to break my neck?” 和The man was very angry: “If I could just come down, I would show you!”可知他非常生气,对方竟然拿石头砸他。故C正确。
小题3:D 推理题。根据文章倒数2,3段Now the man on the tree was enraged and developed a great determination to come down and take revenge(报仇).和He then used all his skill and strength and somehow reached the branches which were safe to start going down. And he made it!可知正是要报复对方的想法让他有了决心一定要从树上下来。故D正确。
小题4:C 推理题。根据文章第一段最后一句Mangoes which are exposed to the sun the most are the sweetest.可知得到光照最多的芒果肯定是最好的。那么在树枝最高处的芒果一定是光照最多的。故C正确。
小题5:B 主旨大意题。本文讲述的一个智者用自己的聪明才智帮助一个挂着树上的人脱离危险的故事告诉我们最重要的是我们的聪明才智。故B正确。
试题【Once there was a man who liked to eat mangoes(芒果). One day he decided to get the】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Henry Edwards Huntington was born in 1850 in Oneonta, New York. In 1872 he went to work for his uncle, one of the owners of the Central Pacific Railroad. Twenty years later, Huntington moved to San Francisco at his uncle’s request to share management of the Southern Pacific Railroad. On the way to San Francisco, he visited San Marino, and later bought it, which is home to his collections today.
In 1902, Huntington moved his business operations to Los Angeles, where he developed the street railway system that created the structure of the Los Angeles area. He greatly expanded the existing electric railway lines, creating an extensive inter-urban system providing the transportation necessary. Huntington’s business interests continued to grow particularly in the areas of water, power, and land development; at one time he served on as many as 60 corporate boards throughout the United States.
At the age of 60, he announced his decision to retire in order to devote time to his book and art collections and the landscaping of the 600-acre farm. In 1911 the large Beaux Arts building, in the charge of the architect Myron Hunt, was completed.
In 1913, Huntington married Arabella Duval Huntington. She shared his interests in collecting. As one of the most important art collectors of her generation, she was highly influential in the development of the art collection now shown in the former building.
In 1919, Henry and Arabella Huntington signed the agreement that conveyed their San Marino property and collections to a nonprofit educational trust, creating the Huntington, one of the world’s great cultural, research, and educational centers.  
Henry E. Huntington died in 1927, leaving his great treasures the Huntington, including the world-famous Huntington Library, Art Gallery, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California to the public, which hosts more than 500,000 visitors each year.
小题1:What can you learn about Huntington from the first two paragraphs? 
A.He worked in many fields before he came to Los Angeles.
B.He built a house to store his art collection in San Marino.
C.He did a lot to the USA railway development.
D.He founded the Central Pacific Railroad.
小题2:What did Huntington do after his retirement?
A.He devoted himself to his personal interests.
B.He worked part time for non-profit business.
C.He was in charge of an educational center.
D.He shared his wife’s interests with her.
小题3:Which of the following can best describe Huntington?
A.An excellent artist.B.A talented architect.
C.An ambitious educator.D.A successful businessman.
小题4: This article is most probably taken from_______.
A.a science fictionB.a newspaper reportC.a novelD.a biography

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“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown       Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of 50, and in just a few years, she has made      progress!
Ellen chose to study at Englishtown because no evening classes were       in the German countryside where she lives. At Englishtown, she joins       classes online and speaks with live native English-speaking teacher.
In 2010, Ellen began with the first level of Englishtown and quickly    . “I spent hours and hours studying,” she said “Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my       after 2 years and studying English isn’t all about hard work. It should also be       ! I really like the online conversation classrooms, in which I can learn so much about other cultures and traditions. I am open for all      .”
Ellen has been able to        her English to use by visiting England five times! “I am very thankful to Englishtown because most of the English I know now was learned here,” Ellen says. “My life has       with Englishtown.”
A.amazing B.challengingC.discouraging D.disturbing

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Family traditions were important in our house, and none was more appreciated than the perfect Christmas tree.
“Dad, can we watch when you trim(修剪) the tree?” My eldest son, Dan, nine, and his seven-year-old brother John, asked.
“I won’t be cutting this year,” my husband Bob said. “Dan, you and John are old enough to measure things. Do it all by yourselves. Think you boys can handle it?”
Dan and John seemed to grow six inches in their chairs at the thought of such an amazing responsibility. “We can handle it,” Dan promised. “We won’t let you down.”
A few days before Christmas, Dan and John rushed in after school. They gathered the tools they’d need and brought them out to the yard, where the tree waited. I was cooking when I heard the happy sounds as the boys carried the tree into the living room. Then I heard the sound that every mother knows is trouble: dead silence. I hurried out to them. The tree was cut too short. John crossed his arms tight across his chest. His eyes filled with angry tears.
I felt worried. The tree was central to our holiday. I didn’t want the boys to feel ashamed every time they looked at it. I couldn’t lower the ceiling, and I couldn’t raise the floor either. There was no way to undo the damage done. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, which turned the problem into the solution.
“We can’t make the tree taller,” I said. “But we can put it on a higher position.”
Dan nodded his head sideways. “We could put it on the coffee table. It just might work! Let’s try it!”
When Bob got home and looked at the big tree on top of the coffee table, Dan and John held their breath.
“What a good idea!” he declared. “Why didn’t I ever think of such a thing?”
John broke into a grin. Dan’s chest swelled with pride.
小题1:The underlined part “grow six inches” (Para. 4) implies the brothers felt        .
小题2:What happened after the brothers moved the Christmas tree into the living room?
A.They rushed to school.
B.They began to decorate the tree.
C.They got angry with each other.
D.They found the tree was cut short.
小题3:How could the short tree be turned into a perfect one?
A.By making the tree taller.
B.By lowering the ceiling.
C.By placing it on a coffee table.
D.By raising the floor.
小题4:What Bob said in the last but one paragraph showed        .
A.he was a little disappointed
B.he was too stupid to think of the idea
C.he appreciated what the brothers had done
D.he should not have given them the task

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As our exams were over, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We         hamburgers and Coca Colar at the counter. When our        came, I started walking towards an empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap(带子) got      on a chair and the tray(托盘) that I was holding slipped      my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents,     on a man who was just about to     a bite of his sandwich. I stared, greatly      , as the drinks soaked(浸湿) his white shirt.
Then I      my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of       . Instead, he said “It’s OK” to       me before he disappeared into washroom.
Still shaky and unsure      to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look     . A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and        our table. My heart almost stopped     . I though he was going to ask for my father’ s       and call him.
To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “       yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked        without even finishing his food.
He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse,        he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still     in this world. I’ll never       his actions.
A.help B.positionC.numberD.job

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One sunny day last September, Tim heard some shouting. Looking out to the sea carefully, he saw a couple of kids in a rowboat were being pulled out to sea.
Two 12-year-old boys, Christian and Jack, rowed out a boat to search for a football. Once they"d rowed beyond the calm waters, a beach umbrella tied to the boat caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. The pair panicked and tried to row back to shore. But they were no match for it and the boat was out of control.
Tim knew it would soon be swallowed by the waves. "Everything went quiet in my head," Tim recalls(回忆). "I was trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line."
Tim took off his clothes and jumped into the water. Every 500 yards or so, he raised his head to judge his progress. "At one point, I considered turning back," he says. "I wondered if I was putting my life at risk." After 30 minutes of struggling, he was close enough to yell to the boys, "Take down the umbrella!"
Christian made much effort to take down the umbrella. Then Tim was able to catch up and climb aboard the boat. He took over rowing, but the waves were almost too strong for him.
"Let"s aim for the pier(码头)," Jack said. Tim turned the boat toward it. Soon afterward, waves crashed over the boat, and it began to sink. "Can you guys swim?" he cried. "A little bit," the boys said.
Once the were in the water, Tim decided it would he safer and faster for him to pull the boys toward the pier. Christian and Jack were wearing life jackets and floated on their backs. Tim swan toward land as water washed over the boys" faces.
“Are we almost there?" they asked again and again. "Yes," Tim told them each time.
After 30minutes, they reached the pier.
小题1:what does “it” in paragraph 2 refer to ?
A.The beachB.the waterC.the windD.the boat
小题2:why did Tim raise his head regularly?
A.to take in enough fresh air
B.To consider turning back to not.
C.To check his distance from the boys
D.To ask the boys to take down the umbrella
小题3:How did the two boys finally reach the pier?
A.They swam to the pier all by themselves.
B.They were washed to the pier by the wave.
C.They were carried to the pier by Tim on his back.
D.They were dragged to the pier by Tim.

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