当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 现在分词 > The big snow caused great ______ to the people living in the south of China, ___...
The big snow caused great ______ to the people living in the south of China, ______ some of them homeless.
A.destroy; leftB.damage; leavingC.ruin; having leftD.wound; leaving


试题分析:考查动词和现在分词做状语:句意:大雪对生活在中国南部的人造成很大的伤害,结果造成一些人无家可归。第一空是固定短语cause damage to sb给某人带来伤害。destroy 是动词。先排除。ruin的名词表示废墟。, wound 指创伤,大多指刀伤,等战争带来的伤。后一空是现在分词短语做结果状语。选B。
试题【The big snow caused great ______ to the people living in the south of China, ___】;主要考察你对现在分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
Many people in China have never dreamed of _______for them to learn to drive after their retirement.
A.being a chanceB.there’s a chanceC.there be a chanceD.there being a chance

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
According to the information from the airline, a small sinking part of the runway of the airport is _____________ for the accident.
A.to blameB.to be blamedC.to blamingD.to be blaming

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The girl was dressed in her best clothes. She wanted to make herself _____________ at the party.
A.noticingB.noticedC.noticeD.to be noticed

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Despite their __________ of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical ___________ it would be safe and effective.
A.lacking; in order toB.lack; so that
C.lack; so as toD.lacking; so that

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A few days after the interview, I received a letter ___________ me admission to the university.
A.offeringB.offeredC.having offeredD.to be offered

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