当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 介词和介词短语 > Expo 2010 Shanghai has been an extraordinary celebration of global business and ...
Expo 2010 Shanghai has been an extraordinary celebration of global business and culture, and it has also provided a fantastic model for Expo 2015 Milan ____________managing and organizing events of this scale.
A.in return forB.in terms ofC.in exchange forD.in spite of

考查短语辨析。A 以什么作为回报 B 就什么而言 C 以什么来交换 D 尽管
根据题意应选 B 。
试题【Expo 2010 Shanghai has been an extraordinary celebration of global business and 】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
_______ winning Video of the Year, Lady Gaga also took home another seven prizes.
A.Owing toB.Instead ofC.In addition toD.According to

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We tried our best and won the football match ____ one goal in the end.

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I should like to buy a house, modern, comfortable, and ______ , in a quiet place.
A.first of allB.after allC.in allD.above all

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People hold Dragon-boat races __________ Qu Yuan on the 5th of the fifth lunar month.
A.rememberingB.likingC.in memory ofD.in the memory

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If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick ________ them.

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