当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 科普环保类 > 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Great scientists before us didn’t get everythi...
Great scientists before us didn’t get everything from school. Their teachers only showed them the way. Edison didn’t even finish primary school. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things for mankind. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They would ask many questions as they read. They did thousands of experiments. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. Above all, they knew how to use their brain.
小题1:People go to school to _________.
A.learn several subjectsB.make a living
C.get an educationD.learn from teachers
小题2:According to the passage, the most important thing a teacher should do is _________.
A.to teacher his students everything he knows
B.to teach the students how to think
C.to know everything they want to know
D.to teach the students how to work out a math problem
小题3:To work out a math problem, you need to know _________.
A.only a certain formulaB.a certain fact
C.some factsD.the way to solve it
小题4:Why were many scientists so successful?
A.They received good education.
B.They were very clever.
C.They knew how to learn.
D.They learned lots of facts and formulas.
小题5:How did great scientists study?
A.They read a lot of books and asked many questions while reading.
B.They did thousands of experiments.
C.They always worked hard and never wasted time.
D.All of the above.



小题1:细节理解题。根据短文的第一句话Many people go to school for an education可知,很多人上学是为了接受教育,故选C。A、B和D都不是人们上学的最终目的。
小题4:细节理解题。根据短文的最后一段中The reason for their success is that they knew how to study.可知,有很多科学家在上学时都不是很聪明,有的还没有受过什么教育,但是很多科学家都非常的成功,这是因为他们知道怎样学习。故选C。
小题5:细节理解题。根据短文的最后一部分They read books that were not taught at school. They would ask many questions as they read. They did thousands of experiments. They worked hard all their lives,可知,成功的科学家们读很多他们在学校里没有被教过的数;他们读书时会提出很多的问题;他们不断的做实验;他们一生都在努力的工作,这些都是他们成功的原因。故选D。
试题【阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。Great scientists before us didn’t get everythi】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The Lunar Calendar(阴历)
Modern Chinese use the solar calendar(阳历)as English people do . But at the same time , they use their own lunar calendar . Each lunar year is given the name of one of these animals : the rat , the ox , the tiger , the hare , the dragon , the snake , the horse , the goat , the monkey , the chicken , the dog and the pig . This list lasts for 12 years and then starts again .
Each Chinese month starts on the day of the new moon . And the full moon comes on the 15th day of the month . The New Year always starts between January 21 and February 20 . On the last day of the lunar year , there is a big family dinner . All members of the family except married daughters try to be present at this meal , even of they have to travel many miles to reach the home of their parents . Old quarrels are forgotten , and everybody is happy . After the dinner , the children keep awake to welcome the New Year .
The New Year celebrations last for 15 days , from the new moon to the full moon . On the first day , children and unmarried people go to visit their elders .
小题1:If next year is the year of the dragon , what was the name of last year ?
A.It was the year of tiger .
B.It was the year of the hare .
C.It was the year of snake .
D.It was the year of the ox .
小题2:Suppose that next Chinese New Year’s Day is on 15th February , when will people have their big family dinner ?
A.On February 15B.On February 16
C.On February 14D.On February 17
小题3:The family usually have their big family dinner at the home of ________ .
A.the married sonB.the married daughter
C.the unmarried sonD.the parents
小题4:People celebrate the New Year ________ .
A.for 15 days
B.from the new moon to the full moon in the first month of the lunar year
C.from January 21 to February 20
D.both A and B
小题5:From this selection we know that each Chinese month is measured by _______ .
A.the sun’s revolutions(旋转)
B.the moon’s revolutions
C.the earth’s revolutions
D.both the earth’s and moon’s revolutions

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Cycling—means riding a bike, is now popular among children from across the UK. Children like      to go to school or go traveling for a short journey. It can help     money in petrol(汽油) cost.
With petrol price rising(上涨), families in the UK are trying to       ways to make the cost less in petrol. So the parents encourage(鼓励) their     to ride bikes to school. They say     a child keep cycling to school all the year round, a family can save about £300 in petrol cost.
Also, cycling to school is good for children’s      . It can make them become healthier and    their studies at school. “   cycling to school every day, we become fitter, smarter and better learners,”a student called Tommy said confidently.
“It’s great to see more people cycling, and I     smile when I see a child on a bike. Many kids want to cycle,     we should make it easy and safe for them to get around by bike and keep healthy,”another student, Mark said.
A.thinkB.care forC.look after D.look for
A.healthB.mind C.moodD.feeling

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Bananas don’t grow on trees. They grow on a stalk that looks just a little like a stalk of corn. The stalk is soft enough to be cut with a knife.

It takes about a year before bananas are ready to be picked. Some are as small as fingers. Others are as long as men’s arms. Some banana plants grow as tall as a house – even taller!
Not all bananas are eaten as fruit. Some never get sweet, and they are cooked as a kind of vegetable.
People in most countries never see a banana until it reaches the store. But if you visited a country where it’s hot and rains a lot all the year, you might see a banana plantation, a large farm where bananas grow.
The tasty fruit doesn’t come from a seed but from a root planted deep in the ground. First a stalk pushes up into the air. The leaves grow. In the beginning the banana plant grows very fast – sometimes as much as the length of your feet in one night. Soon, sweet-smelling flowers come out, and when their flowers drop off, bananas begin to grow.
As they get bigger, bananas start turning up. It looks as if they’re growing upside down! Bananas are ready to eat when they turn soft and yellow. Bananas are picked long before this – when they’re hard and green. This is because bananas have to travel many miles before they arrive at a store. On trucks and boats and trains bananas travel all over the world. There are special boats just for bananas and special trains that keep them just cool enough so that they will get ripe while traveling. If bananas are picked when they are ripe (成熟的), they will spoil on the way.
小题1:What’s the weather like in places where bananas grow?
A.Dry and coldB.Cold and wetC.Wet and hotD.Hot and dry
小题2:The fruit of banana plants come from________.
A.a stalkB.a treeC.a seedD. a root
小题3:Bananas are picked long before they are _____________.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.All bananas are eaten as fruit.
B.Some banana plants grow taller than a house.
C.Bananas get ripe on their way to the store.
D.It takes about a year before bananas are ready to be picked.

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The world would be a very different place if someone hadn’t invented the lift. There would be few, if any, high-rise buildings because people would refuse to climb many stairs. By the time workers reached their offices on the top floors of a tower building, it would be time to go home – if they were not too tired for the long walk down!

The first lift that we know about was used by the Greek scientist, Archimedes, in about 230 BC. It was a simple place that could be pulled up and down with a rope. A lift like this was used much later in the 12th century by priests who lived on top of a mountain at Metereo in Greece. Because they were afraid of killers, the priests had not built any stairs up the mountain. The only way up was by lift, which priests worked from the top of the mountain.
A few hundred years later, a Frenchman, Villayer, invented a ‘flying chair’ which used a rope and a place. A number of rich people had these ‘flying chairs’ built in their homes, including Queen Anne of England in Windsor Castle and Louis XVI of France at Versailles. Unluckily, Louis’ daughter was badly hurt when using one of the chairs, and Villayer ran away, afraid that he would be punished.
The main problem for lift engineers was that either humans or animals were needed to pull the ropes. This problem was not worked out until the discovery of steam power. But even steam powered lifts were not always safe because they also used ropes which sometimes broke. If the rope broke - which it sometimes did - the lift fell to the ground and people in it were killed or hurt. This problem worked out in 1854 when an American, Elisha Otis, invented something which stopped the lift from falling if the rope broke. At first Otis lifts were used only in factories, then in 1857 he built one in a large New York store. Now lifts use electric power and are completely safe. They also travel very quickly. Some lifts travel faster than 60 kilometers an hour.
小题1:The writer thinks that lifts are important today because __________.
A.people like playing on them
B.they are the best way of using steam power
C.we need them for tall buildings
D.workers are lazy
小题2:The 12th century priests had a simple lift instead of stairs because ___________.
A.they thought the stairs were broken
B.they liked having stairs and a lift
C.the lived at the bottom of a mountain
D.they were afraid of killers
小题3:Villayer thought he would be punished because ____________.
A.poor people could not afford his ‘flying chair
B.someone was hurt in one of his ‘flying chairs’
C.his ‘flying chair’ did not work at all
D.he ran away with Louis XVI’s daughter
小题4:Steam power meant that ________  .
A.they did not need a living thing to pull the ropes
B.Elisha Otis could invent a lift that would not fall
C.the rope always broke
D.they could use lifts in factories

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Do you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets? Things have changed.
China has banned (禁止) free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay for using plastic bags. The rule started on June 1. It came because our country tried to make litter less. Making super-thin (超薄) plastic bags has also been banned.
The Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day, and they have caused pollution of the environment. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese people are encouraged to bring theft own bags for shopping.
What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags, and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask theft parents and friends to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect the environment.
小题1:People in China have to _____ now.
A.throw plastic bags here and there
B.collect plastic bags in the street
C.pay for using plastic bags at shops and supermarkets
D.use free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets
小题2:China made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the ______
小题3:The Chinese people are encouraged to bring _____ for shopping.
A.no bagsB.free plastic bags C.their own bagsD.super-thin plastic bags
小题4:Some students in Chongqing ______
A.ask their parents to make cloth bags
B.make cloth bags themselves
C.pick up plastic bags everywhere
D.buy cloth bags for their parents
小题5:What’s the main idea of this article?
A.Making super-thin plastic bags has been banned in China.
B.The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution.
C.Some students in Chongqing begin to make their own shopping bags.
D.To protect the environment, free plastic bags have been banned in China.

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