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Feel stressed
Too much homework.
Don"t have enough time for their hobbies.
Make a plan for study and hobbies.
Find time to relax.
Get short sighted (近视)
Too much homework.
Bad study habits.
Do homework or read in a correct way.
Doing eye exercises every day.
Fight with each other
Don"t know how to get on well with classmates.
Make more friends and understand each other.
Don"t like to study
The bad influence of computer
Play computer games just for a short time.
Get fat
Have more pocket money to buy
snacks. Don"t like to do exercise.
Use your pocket money to do something meaningful ( Do exercise every day).
小题1:Who is this form above most probably written for?
小题2:According to the information given in the form, why don’t students like to study?
D.Becausecomputers have a bad influence on them.
小题3:_______ can help you avoid becoming short-sighted.
小题4:If you feel stressed, you should ________.
小题5:Peter is very fat. Maybe he ________.
C.B or D



小题1:推理判断题。从表格左侧一栏可以看出,表示的都是学生们的常见症状,再根据第二栏too much homework,可以推断出这是写给学生的。故选C。
小题2:细节理解题。根据第五行Don’t like to study.给出的原因是The bad influence of computer games.“电脑游戏带来的负面影响。”可知答案,故选D。
小题3:细节理解题。根据第三行关于Get short sighted.给出的建议Do homework or read in a correct way.“以正确的方式做作业。”Doing eye exercises every day.“每天都要做眼保健操。”可知答案,故选A。
小题4:细节理解题。根据第二行关于Feel stressed.给出的建议Make a plan for study and hobbies.“制定学习和爱好计划。”Find time to relax.“找时间放松。”可知答案,故选B。
小题5:细节理解题。根据最后一行关于Get fat.的原因Have more pocket money to buy snacks.“有充足的零花钱买零食。”Don"t like to do exercise.“不喜欢做运动。”可知答案,故选C。
试题【ProblemsCausesAdviceFeel stressedToo much homework.Don"t have enough time for th】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
“What is success”? Mr. Black asked his 6th grade business class. It was his opening conversation for the first class of the term.
“Success is riding in a sweet car, watching an 80-inch((英寸) TV, and living in a place with at least twelve rooms.” One student answered, earning(博得)laughs from all the students.
Mr. Black smiled, but shook his head. “Tom, that is excess(过量). That is not success.”
“How about being able to provide for your family?” A blonde girl named Sandy in the front suggested as an answer.
“Now we’re getting closer,” Mr. Black smiled, “but try thinking about what you need and what you want.”
“Getting everything you want.” Tom shouted out an answer again, trying for more laughs.
Mr. Black sighed(叹气).“ I believe we’ve already talked about excess versus(与…比较) success.”
“Getting everything you need, but some of what you want?” James, sitting in the back wondered aloud.
“Quite right!” Mr. Black clapped. “Success is getting everything you need and some of what you want. The more you get that you want, the more successful you are. You do reach a point where you are living in excess, though.”
“What does this have to do with business?” Tom asked. It seemed if it wasn’t funny, he wasn’t happy.
“Well, Tom, think of it this way: the point of business is to make a living to support your family. Once you have properly seen to (确保) their needs, you can then seen to getting the extras that you want.”
“What if I don’t have a family?” he continued to be difficult.
“Then you have to provide for yourself, a family of one.”
“He has goldfish to think about!” Peter, Tom’s friend, shouted out.
“Then he needs to provide for a family of one with a fishbowl.” Mr. Black corrected himself.
Tom nodded, satisfied with that answer.
“So in the next nine weeks, we’re going to study basic business situations, like having a checking account and understanding credit cards(信用卡).”
Tom rubbed his hands together excitedly. “When do we get to start spending?”
“You already are, Tom. You’re spending time with us!” Mr. Black laughed. “Now, let’s see what you guys know about credit cards…”
小题1:What was Mr. Black?
A.A historyteacherB.A scienceteacher
C.A business teacherD.A math teacher
小题2:Which student didn’t seem to be taking the class seriously?
小题3:How did Mr. Black make his class lively and interesting?
A.He himself kept talking
B.He just read from a textbook.
C.He showed a movie to his students.
D.He got his students to take part in a discussion.
小题4:How do you like Mr. Black according to the passage?
小题5:What can be the best title of this passage?
A.Get What You WantB.Needs and Wants
C.Try to Get More MoneyD.How to Live Well

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
There is nothing wrong with being shy. In fact,       happy, successful people are shy. You can try to say goodbye to your shyness. Here’s how to do so.
1. Start Small. At home, practice       and saying hi while looking at yourself in the mirror. Then try this at school with kids you know well. Once that becomes a habit, try doing the same with kids you don’t know as well.
2.        Are Key. Once you         smiling and saying hi, it’s time to start a conversation. All you really have to do is to ask a question or two about a person’s       : What’s your favorite movie? Do you like playing tennis? Just be careful not to ask questions that are too personal __  might be hurtful.
3. Choose Face-to-face Time. Many shy girls say it’s easier for them to talk to people     . In a recent survey, nearly two out of every 10 shy girls said being online has made them even shyer in real life. So       your cell phone, step away from the computer, and put in some face-to-face time with the people in your life.
4. Star in Your Own Life. Looking people in the eye, saying hi with a smile, and starting conversations will probably feel strange at first, but every time you practice your new skills, it will become a little        .
you keep working at it, you will become more comfortable talking to other people.
小题1:A. few                B. some     C. many
小题2:A. crying             B. smiling     C. thinking
小题3:A. Talks             B. Conversations    C. Questions
小题4:A. are used as B. are used to  C. are used for
小题5:A. questions      B. problems C. interests
小题6:A. orB. and  C. but
小题7:A. face to face    B. online   C. at home
小题8:A. put down  B. take down   C. take out
小题9:A. hard   B. easy C. easier
小题10:A. When   B.As long as   C. Unless
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
GIY stands for “grow it yourself” and is about a new fashion for growing your own food.
There are a lot of reasons why growing your own food is a good idea. GIY helps reduce carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions(排放物). Food in supermarkets travels a long way and that produces a lot of CO2. If you grow as many vegetables as you can at home, you can help save the earth.
Vegetables you grow are also good for your health because they have more nutrients than supermarket vegetables and they don’t have chemicals.
How much money can you save? First of all, seeds are a lot of cheaper than vegetables, and secondly, you can save more by planting the most expensive and the most productive(多产的) vegetables. You can give your vegetables to fiends and neighbors. It can make you very popular.
Don’t worry if you don’t have much space. To GIY, you don’t even need a garden. You can use pots on your balconies(阳台). And don’t worry if your space doesn’t get much sun. You can plant vegetables that don’t need a lot of sun to grow.
Grow your own vegetables now. You will have both a healthier body and a healthier social life.
小题1:During the course of _______, food in supermarkets produces a lot of CO2.
小题2:How many reasons do people have to grow their own food?
小题3:What do people mostly need if they want to grow their own vegetables?
A.Some seeds. B.A garden.
C.Some chemicals.D.A pot.
小题4:From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.all vegetables need a lot of sun to grow
B.we can plant vegetables on our balconies
C.vegetables from supermarkets must be a little cheaper
D.we need much space to plant vegetables
小题5:Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.An advertisement. B.A science fiction.
C.A story book.D.A newspaper.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A young boy was hungry for success. For him, winning was everything.
One day, the boy was preparing himself for a running competition in his small village. He was to compete with two other young boys. A large crowd gathered(聚集)there to watch, including a wise old man.
The race began. With strength and power (力量), the boy easily took the lead. The crowd cheered and waved(挥手).The little boy felt proud and important. However, the wise man remained still and calm.
“Another race, another race!” yelled(大喊)the little boy. The wise old man stepped forward and presented the little boy with two new challengers: an old lady and a blind man.
The second race started and the boy was the only one to cross the line. The little boy raised his arms happily. The crowd, however, was silent.
“Race again,” said the wise man. “This time, all three of you finish together.”
The little boy thought a little, stood in between the blind man and the old lady, and then took them by the hand. The race began and the little boy walked slowly to the finishing line and crossed it. The crowd cheered and waved. The wise man smiled, too.
“Which one of us three are the crowd cheering for?” asked the little boy.
“For this race, you have won much more than in any other race you’ve ever run before.” said the wise man. “For this race, the crowd cheered not for any winner!”
小题1:How did the boy feel after the first race?
A. Still and calm.             
B. Sad and silent.            
C. Proud and important.
小题2:What does the underlined word “challengers” mean in this passage?
A. 残疾人                     B. 挑战者                       C. 裁判
小题3:In the second race, who won the match?
A. the wise old man         
B. the blind man          
C. the boy
小题4:The crowd cheered for _______ in the third race.
A. the little boy             
B. their spirit               
C. the blind man and the old lady
小题5:What is the best title of this passage?
A. Win the race of kindness
B. Winning is everything
C. Never compete with old people
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Young people and old people do not always agree with each other. 小题1:They sometimes have different ideas about living, working and playing. But one program in New York, adults(成年人) and teenagers live together in a friendly way.
Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults are invited to join the program. They live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group. Everyone works for seven hours a day. They do so not only to keep busy, but also to find meaning and happiness in work. Some teenagers work in the forest or on the farm near the village. Some of them learn to make things like tables, chairs or something similar (类似的) and to build houses. 小题2:成年人教他们怎么做这些事情。
There are a few free hours each day and weekends are free, too. 小题3:.During the free hours, some of the teenagers learn to take photos or paint pictures. Others sit around and talk, sing or dance. Each teenagers has his own way to spend his free time. 小题4:When people live together, rules are necessary. In this program the teenagers and the adults make the rules together. If someone breaks a rule, the problem goes before the whole group. They talk about it and ask: “What should we do about it?”
One teenager talks about his experience(经历): “You stop thinking only about yourself. 小题5:你要学会为整个团队着想。”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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