当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解。     Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign out- side.  "Second-hand" clothe...
阅读理解。     Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign out- side.  "Second-hand" clothes bought and sold.” He was
carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and said, “Two dollars.”
     "What?" said Tom, "I had guessed they were worth (值) at least five dollars."
     "No. " said the man, "They aren"t worth a cent(美分) more than two dollars. "
     "Well, " said Tom,  taking two dollars out of his pocket,  " Here"s your money.  These
trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought
that was too much money, so I wanted to make sure how much they were really worth. "
     Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of  trousers  and  disappeared (消失)  before the shop
owner could think of anything to say.1. At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom ________.
A. was trying .to fool him
B. was trying to steal the trousers
C. wanted to sell the trousers
D. wanted to buy the trousers
2. The owner of the shop ________ for the old trousers.
A. would give Tom two dollars
B. would pay three dollars
C. would pay five dollars
D. would give Tom six dollars and a half
3. The owner of the shop insisted (坚持) that the trousers were only worth two dollars
because _________
A. he wanted to sell them cheaply
B. he wanted to buy them cheaply
C. he didn"t like the trousers
D. they were too old and dirty
4. In fact(事实上), _________.
A. Tom wanted to sell the trousers to the owner of the shop
B. Tom stole (偷) the trousers from the shop
C. the trousers were the shop owner s
D. the trousers were on sale(出售) in another shop
5. From the story we know that_________ cheaper than the list price.
A. the owner sold the trousers two dollars
B. Tom sold the trousers one and a half dollars
C. the owner bought the trousers three dollars
D. Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half
1-5  CABCD
试题【阅读理解。     Tom walked into a shop. It had a sign out- side.  "Second-hand" clothe】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解       Jack drove a taxi through the busy streets from morning till night every day. One day a young man
jumped into his taxi. "To the station, hurry up ! " he said. Jack did his best, but at every corner there
was a red light. "Be quick! I don"t want to miss my train. " The young man shouted at Jack. "I don"t want
to die here ! "Jack shouted, too. Then he turned back and noticed the man"s face. "Oh, he is the thief and
killed a woman," he thought, "his picture was in the newspaper. " Jack had an idea. He drove through the
red light. Soon Jack found a police car follow his. "Stop!" The young man shouted and jumped out. Jack
caught hold of him and cried out, "Give me money!" Two policemen came up. "He is the thief. " They
caught the young man at once.
       "You"ve done well.  Thank you ! " A policeman said to Jack.1. Jack was a           .A. driver      
B. policeman    
C. thief      
D. young man2. The young man was a          .    A. policeman    
B. driver    
C. thief          
D. doctor3. Jack noticed that the young man was        .A. his friend          
B. his workmate
C. a driver, too      
D. the murderer4. Jack drove through the red light in order to make the police notice his car so he could _     . A. help the young man run away
B. help the police catch the murderer
C. make the police know his taxi was new
D. take the young man to the station in time5. The policeman thanked Jack because he        .A. drove-through the red light
B. helped them catch the thief
C. let the young man go away
D. helped the young man catch the train
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Arthur was an Indian boy. He didn"t like __1__ When his mother asked him to wash his hands, he
 never washed them __2__ . He only put his  __3__ in the water for a __4__ seconds and took them
  __5__   again. __6__ day, Arthur"s uncle"s family came to  __7__ with Arthur"s parents and they brought
  their son Tom __8__ them. Tom was  __9__ than Arthur and didn"t like water either (也). They went out
  to play. After an hour Arthur looked __10__ Tom"s hands and then said proudly (骄傲) ,"My hands are
  dirtier than yours! " Tom answered angrily, "Yes, you are older than I am. "(     )1. A. washing    
(     )2. A. well        
(     )3. A. foot        
(     )4. A. little      
(     )5. A. up          
(     )6. A. An one      
(     )7. A. stay        
(     )8. A. at          
(     )9. A. older      
(     )10. A. at             B. water    
    B. good    
    B. hands    
    B. few      
    B. out      
    B. A        
    B. come    
    B. on      
    B. younger  
    B. for      C. playing      
C. clean        
C. clothes      
C. a few        
C. off          
C. One          
C. go            
C. for          
C. bigger        
C. after         D. wash        
D. black      
D. face        
D. one        
D. away        
D. On a        
D. play        
D. with        
D. smaller    
D. up          
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     Sharon is a    1    girl. Today Mr and Mrs Black are    2    her to the amusement park(游乐场). The amusement park
is    3    far from    4    home. So they are taking the  subway to go there. There are only a few people on the train. They
are all sitting    5    their seats. Sharon is happy. She is looking    6    from the window.  "Come here and    7   , "Mr Black
"I want this train can go    8    faster, then I can play in the park. "    It takes about forty minutes to arrive at the park.
They    9    the tickets and go in. At noon, the Blacks are sitting    10    the table in the park. They"re having lunch happily.(     )1. A. ten year old
(     )2. A. taking      
(     )3. A. quite      
(     )4. A. their      
(     )5. A. at          
(     )6. A. out        
(     )7. A. stands up  
(     )8. A. much        
(     )9. A. find        
(     )10. A. in         B. ten-year-old
B. carrying    
B. a lot      
B. they        
B. for        
B. in          
B. sit down    
B. more        
B. sell        
B. at          C. ten-years old
C. having      
C. much        
C. them        
C. on          
C. for          
C. to sit down  
C. most        
C. lose        
C. on           D. ten-years-old
D. bringing    
D. a few        
D. her          
D. in          
D. outside      
D. standing up  
D. the most    
D. buy          
D. under        
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阅读理解     I like fishing. Every Sunday I get up early and go by bike to a river three miles away from my home.
     This morning, my wife wants to go with me. We go by car first and then walk to the river. After we arrive there, we
both sit down and I begin to fish. In two hours I catch nothing.
     "Why don"t you let me try?" asks my wife.
     "All right, " I say.
     She catches six big fish in half an hour. "I"ll go first and I am going to cook them for lunch. You can take the bus
home, "she says.
     I stay by the river but catch only an old shoe. I feel a little angry with myself. Who isthe fisherman in the family?
My wife or I?1. Every Sunday the man goes fishing _____.A. by car
B. by bike
C. by boat
D. by bus2. His wife stays with him by the river _____.A. for two hours
B. for half an hour
C. for two and half an hours
D. all day3. Why does the wife want to go fishing with her husband?A. Because she wants to eat fish.
B. Because she likes fishing.
C. Because she is good at fishing.
D. Because her husband is going to cook fish.4. The man goes back home _____.A. with six big fish
B. with an old shoe
C. with only a small fish
D. without any fish5. What do you think of that man?A. He isn"t a good fisherman.
B. He is good at fishing.
C. He is good at cooking.
D. He doesn"t like fishing at all.
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阅读理解     When Mary was just seven her family moved to a new city. She went to school by school bus. It was not near to
her house. One morning, there was something wrong with the family"s clock. When they got up, it was too late for
Mary to catch the school bus. Her mother said she would drive Mary to school on her way to the office.
     "But how will you find the way, Mum?" Mary asked, "You have only been to school once. ""Yes, " her mother
answered, "but you have been there by school bus several times, you know the way. " "Oh, yes," said Mary.
     They started out and Mary asked her mother to drive round most of the town before they got there. When they
arrived, her mother saw that it was not really very far from their house.
     "Why did you make me go such a long way?" her mother asked her. "Well, Mum," answered Mary, "I know only
this way. The bus always goes like this, so the other children can take it to school. "1. Mary was _____.A. seven years old
B. nine years old
C. ten years old
D. five years old2. Mary usually went to school _____.A. on foot
B. by bike
C. by school bus
D. by her mother"s car3. The school was _____ from her house.A. very far
B. not very far
C. a long way
D. very near4. Why was Mary late to catch the school bus?A. Because she didn"t sleep well.
B. Because she couldn"t get up.
C. Because there"s something wrong with the clock.
D. Because she didn"t want to go to school.5. How many times has Mary"s mother been to school?A. Only once.
B. Three times.
C. Many times.
D. Several times.
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