当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 写作 > 书面表达。      Peter和Liu Hua是同班同学。Peter住在所在的学校一中。明天是Liu Hua的生日。于是,Liu Hua到Peter的住处邀请...
      Peter和Liu Hua是同班同学。Peter住在所在的学校一中。明天是Liu Hua的生日。于是,Liu Hua到
Liu Hua名义给Peter写张字数70左右的留言条,邀请他参加,并告诉他去你家的路线。
     提示: 1. 聚会地点:Liu Hua家-从学校出发,沿着人民路照直往前走,然后在新华路向右拐,穿过
                  中山路后,你就会看到一家书店。Liu Hua家就其隔壁。 
                 2 . 聚会内容:唱歌,跳舞,吃蛋糕。 Dear peter,
     I came to see you, but you were out._________________________________________________
     Hope to see you at the party. 
                                                                                                                               Liu Hua
Dear peter,
     I came to see you, but you were out. Tomorrow is my birthday. We"ll hold a party at my home tomorrow
afternoon. We"ll dance, sing and we"ll also have a big cake. We"ll be very happy if you can come.
     My home is not far from our school. If you come, you may go straight along People"s Road, then turn right
at the Xinhua Road, then go across Zhongshan Road. And you"ll find a bookstore on the left. My home is next
to it.
     Hope to see you at the party.
                                                                                                                                Liu Hua
试题【书面表达。      Peter和Liu Hua是同班同学。Peter住在所在的学校一中。明天是Liu Hua的生日。于是,Liu Hua到Peter的住处邀请】;主要考察你对写作等知识点的理解。[详细]
书面表达。    请阅读下面一段文字。
    Jenny likes singing stars very much, especially the Super Voice Girls. She is crazy about them. She
follows their hairstyles and clothes. She doesn"t do well in her studies. Her parents and teachers are worried
about her.     
    要求:1. 叙述有条理,符合逻辑;
              2. 用词得当,语法正确;
              3. 书写清晰、规范;
              4. 词数:60-80。
Dear Jenny,
     How"s everything going? We are all worried about you because you think too much about singing stars.
题型:山东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
书面表达。     假如你是Millie,请你给美国的Wendy写一份70字左右的电子邮件,向她简要地介绍中国的春节。
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
书面表达。     请你以“Olympics and china ” 为题,写一篇介绍“奥运与中国” 的短文。(80个词左右)
     提示词语 host, more and more foreigners, 29th, 2008  There will be … subways, roads, visitors, 
题型:湖北省期中题难度:| 查看答案
书面表达。     根据中文及英文提示,写出语意连贯、符合逻辑的短文。所给英文提示词必须都用上,中文提示
     英语提示: 1. one rainy day, go home, by taxi
                        2. in the car, find, learn English
                        3. said to Li Li, weak, English, when, at school, now, work hard 
                        4. I think, to show support for Beijing"s hosting the Olympic Games 
题型:福建省期中题难度:| 查看答案
书面表达。     请以“Sports in Our School""为题给校刊写一篇英文报道。
     要点提示: time for sports     kinds of sports
     change of students" health and study        change of school life
                                               Sports in Our School
     Sports in our school have changed a lot. ________________________________________________
题型:福建省期中题难度:| 查看答案
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