当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 助动词 > If there is not any help, we can’t do it.A.By some helpB.Without any helpC.With...
If there is not any help, we can’t do it.
A.By some helpB.Without any help
C.With some helpD.Whether there is not any help


试题分析:句意:如果得不到一些帮助,我们不能做它。分析考查固定短语without one’s help没有某人的帮助。因此同义于第二选项without any help没有一些帮助。故选 B
试题【 If there is not any help, we can’t do it.A.By some helpB.Without any helpC.With】;主要考察你对助动词等知识点的理解。[详细]
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A.won’t let you downB.won’t let you in
C.will kill youD.will make you happy

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When westerners go out to dinners, they usually pay for the bill with each other.
A.go DutchB.pay for the cost
C.spend much moneyD.pay no money

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—Life is limited. We had better _______ it on valuable things.
—Good idea. And we should spend more time ______ our family members.
A.spend, withB.take, on
C.spend, onD.cost, with

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A.raise B.riseC.makeD.save

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